Halloween Section of History Attributes of celebration
The history Halloween (born Halloween, All Hallows Eve or All Saints' Eve) - celebration that has it’s roots in the traditions of the ancient Celts in Ireland and Scotland, whose history began in the lands of modern Britain. Celebration Halloween originated from the Celtic festival of Samhain ritual,assimilated immigrated to Britain by Germanic tribes (Angles, Saxons and Jutes)after VI century BC. Halloween has become one of the major folk festivals in BritishIreland.
Attributes of celebration Jack lamp One of the key attributes of the holiday is a "lamp Jack" (born jack-o'-lantern) in the form of a carved pumpkin heads out with lighting. The appearance of the symbol most often associated with the Irish legend about a man named Jack, an old farmer, lover of gambling and liquor. He has twice cheatedthe devil, and after his death did not make it to heaven - because of his vicious life, or hell - because the devil during the life of Jack vowed not to take away his soul. Hewas doomed to wander the world with a pumpkin head with embers inside. Popularity and other contour-linear light modern prom. production: various lamps, in particular consisting of small purple or orange lights. They also decorate houses, fireplaces, encircle bare trunks of trees and shrubs, lighting fires at night. Cornices, balconies and entrances to buildings usually also decorated with artificial cobwebs, spiders, bats, witches, owls, cats, witch's brooms, etc. Back Forward
Forward Back Candles The symbol of the holiday for many Irish people is a burning candle, which is traditionally placed on the east window and burned before the end of the holiday. That evening, the families often reminded of the legend of the bronze head, which reflects the ancient Celtic tradition of hunting for heads of their enemies, which later adornedthe tomb. In the U.S., Halloween candles are traditionally colored in orange, purple,pink or black color and scented with cinnamon or other spices with a sharpsweet-spicy scent that is firmly associated with the holiday.
Forward Back Kostyumirovanie and masquerade Costumes for Halloween based on the themes of witchcraft and its images in film andliterature. Children dressed in costumes and masks, sent to demand sweets from homeowners, while reciting the traditional phrase "candy or your life!". Especially popular costumes of witches, wizards, witches, vampires, corpses, werewolves,ghosts, mermaids, fairies, elves, various nocturnal animals (cat, bat, wolf, etc.) Areparties, carnivals, accompanied by ominous music, the graveyard, howling wolves ,hooting owls and other sounds recorded in audio or video format. Popular postersand books spread out with the image of Dracula, witches, vampires and theirsymbolism (aspen stake, black beads, etc.)
Back Symbolism of colors The traditional colors of Halloween - bright orange and purple. Used a combination ofgothic black and white (robes, black and white stockings with horizontal stripe) andred (usually painted on bruises). It is also used dark green.
Halloween in Russia Halloween has been banned Orthodox Church during the time of the Russian Empire.For a long time the holiday was banned because it has pagan origins. After the Soviet collapse, he gradually began to gain popularity in Russia.
On this festival in the world of books written, filmed several movies and musicals.Each year, millions of toys manufactured, funny masks and fancy costumes. Even held competitions for the best lantern from a pumpkin, the winners of which are whole world of art. Over the years, its history, Halloween has gained a worldwide variety of interesting traditions, preserving their ancient distinctive features, but absorbed the local cultural identity.