POST HOC, ERGO PROPTER HOC After this, therefore because of this Because one thing/event follows another doesn’t mean it was caused by the first event; a fallacy of an argument
POST SCRIPTUM (P.S.) After writing Additional text after completing the main body
PRO BONO (PUBLICO) For (the public) good Legal or medical work done without charge
PRO FORMA For form Follow formalities; go through the motions in a perfunctory way
QUOD ERAT DEMONSTRANDUM (Q.E.D) #101 in booklet Which was to be demonstrated To show conclusively through a demonstration of evidence
QUID PRO QUO Something for something An even exchange; You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours
QUORUM Of whom Minimum number of people required in order to conduct official business
RARA AVIS Rare bird One of a kind
REQUIESCAT IN PACE (R.I.P.) May s/he rest in peace Check out some old timey tombstones
SANCTUM SANCTORUM Holy of Holies Place of inviolable privacy; where no one should interrupt you
SEMPER FIDELIS Always faithful Motto of US Marine Corps (often abbreviated as “semper fi”)