Our 1st Grade Classroom News November Upcoming Events ELA and Math: Email: laura_nezovich@etownschools.org Twitter: @LauraNezovich Upcoming Events Science/ S.S. Dec. 6th- Leadership T-shirt Day Dec. 7th- Early Dismissal/ Conferences Dec. 8th- No school/ Conferences Dec. 22nd- Wear PJ’s, slippers and a holiday hat Dec. 22nd- Class Holiday Party Dec. 25th – Jan 1st - No School We finished up our unit on matter. We also learned about the Pilgrims and Native Americans. We had a wonderful first grade feast to celebrate Thanksgiving. We were able to challenge our thinking with a STEM activity with our book buddies. We had to make a Mayflower and see how many counters it would hold. ELA and Math: We have been very busy during our ELA time! We have practiced many different reading strategies and we have been working hard on our writing skills. In math we have work very hard on addition and subtraction strategies. Next, we are going to start looking at geometry. We also had a successful Domino Rodeo! Our Learning School to home connection/ Thank you!: Please dress your child for the weather. We go outside twice daily. Thank you to all the families that donated time or supplies to our classroom, domino rodeo and feast!