SRI Directions Click on Counseling tab Click here for SRI test CLick on: Username and password= your ID # Put your headphones on, read all directions, and take your time! Good luck!
Done. Please write Jan. SRI Score: ____ on your card Done? Please write Jan. SRI Score: ____ on your card. Then follow these directions: Go to my HW website page (, students, classes/homework, ELA, Harr) Click on the posted document “Persuasive Prompt Links” Click on the prompt you wrote about yesterday. A link will pop up. Click on it. Read the articles connected to your topic. Click on the blue hyperlinks embedded in the article to explore the issue. You want to take notes on information that supports your opinion and also arguments on the opposite side of your opinion. Follow the directions on your note sheet carefully. You may also research your topic outside of the NY Times if needed.
http://learning. blogs. nytimes