Fiber Field Certification Update – Mayo 2017
¿Quienes Somos?
Donde Esta la tecnología de fibra el día de hoy
Serial or Parallel?
Inspection & cleaning
Inspection & cleaning
Detail of APC vs UPC tips for Camera Notice the slight bend at the end of the tips
Calculating a Loss Budget
Que limite utilizar?
Using a TIA limit without understanding the application
Using a TIA limit without understanding the application
#14 Using a TIA limit without understanding the application
Two options for testing MPO to MPO cables
Two options for testing MPO to MPO cables
Introducing MultiFiber Pro
Certifying MPO cables with a dedicated MPO tester
Certifying MPO cables with a dedicated MPO tester
Certifying MPO cables with a dedicated MPO tester
Certifying MPO cables with a dedicated MPO tester
Certifying MPO cables with a dedicated MPO tester
Certifying MPO cables with a dedicated MPO tester
12 Fibras en una sola pagina – y Polaridad
Testing MPO Cassettes with an OLTS
Reducing multimode uncertainty
Setting a one jumper reference
Traditional duplex tester – correct method
Traditional duplex tester – correct method
Encircled Flux - because 10% is better than 60%
Encircled Flux from Another Perspective
What About APC connectors What About APC connectors? We can do it with both Certifiber and Multi-Fiber Pro
Large area non-contact detectors
MultiFiber Pro utilizes a unique non-contact large area input port
MultiFiber Pro is ready for Singlemode APC connectors
Certificación de fibras OM5
Wideband Multimode Fiber OM5 (WBMMF)
Mensaje claro, la certificacion de atenuacion de OM5 es la misma que OM4
Certificacion de PON LAN
PON LAN Testing - As described in IEC 61280-4
Putting the remote into far end source mode
Single fiber testing – setting a reference
Single fiber testing – setting a reference
Single fiber testing – setting a reference
Results management
In Conclusion
Lessons learned from the field
Gracias por su tiempo