PromoVue User Training Part V. Canandaigua Wine Co. Developed by: Keller Software Solutions
PV Training Module 5 - Slide 2 Pop-quiz If I am ordering information from the Endeavor Flow Catalog, must I enter the information into PromoVue? I’m doing a golf tournament, which element type do I select in the element wizard? What’s a combination consumer offer? How do I request a “reprint” of an existing item? 1. Yes. Be sure to use the element type “Flow Catalog”. Remember that you can combine all the items that you order through Endeavor into a single PromoVue element. Just use the combined total cost for the estimated cost. 2. Media event. 3. A consumer offer that includes two or more of the any of the following: MIR, IRC, Premium, Sweepstakes. 4. Use “Existing POS/Exact Reprint” on page 4.3A of the Element Wizard. There won’t be any creative work, but remember to include the cost of printing the additional pieces. PV Training Module 5 - Slide 2
PV Training Module 5 - Slide 3 Module V. Item Code Information Customer Information & Sellsheet allocation Brand Strategy State Required Approvals For the remainder of today, we will be talking about a couple of additional PromoVue functions which you may find to be useful We’ll start with the ItemCode Screen. PV Training Module 5 - Slide 3
PV Training Module 5 - Slide 4 ItemCode Browse Let’s say you are thinking about doing some sort of consumer offer and you half-way remember an item code that we did last year sometime, but you can’r remember the exact details. There are two ways to look up itemcodes: A. When you don’t know the itemcode: By Marketing Group or CBC (Use ItemCode Browse) B. When you do know the itemcode: By Item Code (Use Item Code Detail) demo: switch to PromoVue now and point out the two above icons on the toolbar. Click on Item Code Browse First, let’s talk about Item Code Browse. Select either Marketing Group or CBC. Emphasis point: Be sure to demonstrate the FILTER button. Once you find the itemcode you want, double-click on it to open up the Item Code Detail Window. PV Training Module 5 - Slide 4
PV Training Module 5 - Slide 5 Item Code Detail Now, if we knew the itemcode we could have simply clicked on the ItemCode tool instead and typed in the itemcode. Demo: Talk about all the different tab folders: Click on each one. Item Detail - Tracking information. Status, Description, Agencies Qty/Costs - All the quantity and cost information about this itemcode Comments - Notes about this itemcode Dates - Routing dates for when this itemcode is due Fulfillment - Information regarding fulfillment of a consumer offer States - Offer states for a consumer offer Redemption - Redemption information on a consumer offer Invoices - Invoices attributed to this itemcode (consumer offer) Emphasis point: If you don’t know what a field is used for (here or elsewhere in PromoVue), point to it with your mouse and look at the status bar at the bottom of the screen. Microhelp may provide an explanation of the field. PV Training Module 5 - Slide 5
Item Code Information - States Emphasis point: Right click on any state to get the exact details about any pending or expected state approval. Emphasis point: To get back to the Initiation Wizard that this element came from, use the little wizard’s wand button in the lower right corner. PV Training Module 5 - Slide 6
PV Training Module 5 - Slide 7 Customer Information Now let’s talk about the Customer information screen. To display information for any given customer, enter the customer number in the field at the top. If you don’t know the number, use FIND to look it up by State. Note that each customer may have more than one ship-to address. Each ship-to address has two tab folders: shipping address information and sell sheet allocations. PV Training Module 5 - Slide 7
PV Training Module 5 - Slide 8 Customer Information The sell sheets tab shows the pre-defined allocation quantity of sell sheets for this customer and location. Note that this is done by BRAND, and can be changed by the Promotion Developer at any time. This is only for ABU programs. PV Training Module 5 - Slide 8
PV Training Module 5 - Slide 9 Brand Strategy DEMO: Click on Administration.View/Maintain Marketing Group/Brand Strategies. This is used to display the brand strategy for eahc marketing group. It can be modified only by the the ABU Consumer Focus Manager for the respective marketing group. PV Training Module 5 - Slide 9
View State Required Approvals Use this screen to view the state required approvals for consumer offers. At the top is a dropdown with all the different approval indicators. When you select one, the bottom displays the requirements either by Category or by State. Question: What are the four categories of state required approvals? Answer: Legal, Not Legal, Legal with restrictions, Requires Approval PV Training Module 5 - Slide 10
PV Training Module 5 - Slide 11 Useful Reports Customer Listing ABU/Marketing Group Report State Approval Requirements Refer students to the PromoVue Atlas and point out these reports. Point: In addition, we have some management reports that can be used to look at the post-offer analysis information at higher levels (e.g. CBC). You can see examples of these reports in the PromoVue Atlas (Optional: You may wish to hand out the latest Promotion Summary Report at this time) PV Training Module 5 - Slide 11 20
Hands-on training module #5 60 minutes PV Training Module 5 - Slide 12