CONTENT Chapter 7
Introduction Content means the messages or information contained in the product, and the way these are arranged. This includes the structure or architecture of the application. Treatment means the media, the techniques associated with the media, and the user interface that is chosen for the product
The important concern The quality of the content depends on a number of factors: i. The selection, breadth, depth, appropriateness for the audience, ii. Pace of delivery, iii. How all this is structured, iv. The sequence in which it is presented. The media techniques – use of graphics, animations, hot spots, audio, video, and so on – can only serve to help the content achieve its purpose better; they cannot make up for poor selection or lack of content integrity.
Whose role to define content There is confusion over whose role it is to define content, content quality and integrity. Applications involve databases definition, the structure of the content blocks (e.g. the records and fields) - a business analyst, information analyst and/or technical analyst. Applications – part of the branding strategy of a company – input from a marketing or branding specialist might be needed.
The author, editor, and scriptwriter have fulfilled the function for print, and video. Instructional or interactive designer have fulfilled the role for training applications. The interactive designer works with the commissioner or nominated subject matter experts to define the content of the training content.
Graphics artist usually interpret other people’s scripts Graphics artist usually interpret other people’s scripts. They extend, shape and reshape the ideas, adding their dimension of visuals. Those that have experience in interactive user interface design and human factors – now finding more roles in helping define the content architecture for applications. Technical writers who are experienced in developing multimedia Help screens for use in offline programs have skills that could be applicable to defining content in new media applications have learnt to become surrogate content experts on each application they worked on.
Subject matter experts – involved in defining content for media where applicable but they need to be teamed with interactive designers when working on digital applications for a balanced skill set unless they have interactive experience. Web editor – the role is similar to that of a traditional editor or managing editor ≈the editor provides the content to drop into predefined sections.
The communicating between client and the team (i) The structure ◙ The original site structure was based on certain premises about the amount and type of content but as this changes, the way to give clear access to the right information for the right people also changes. ◙ As websites become more complex, the need for visual reference point between client and developer has become stronger.
Various types of site maps can provide these reference aids that can also be used diagnostically when redesigning a site to compare the existing structure with the proposed new structure or to demonstrate what has changed and where the changes have been made on a site for maintenance purposes. Structure maps can be identified for diagnostic purposes in existing sites taking various forms – from text tables with various levels to visual metaphors.
Image maps ☻ Graphics on a web page that have interactive ‘hot-spots’ defined in them and have links attached to those hot-spots. ☻ Image maps were sometimes used as actual front pages for websites – as the navigation method.
Site maps ☻ show the structure of a site in a diagrammatic way. ☻it is often used as a text overview of the site contents and accessed from the front page.
The detail If the proposed application needs specific detailed content and treatment, the person who defines this will have to record this in some way. Scripting for linear media 1) Analyses/research 2) Decide on approach/storyline 3) Write script 4) Begin 5) Develop section by section 6) Finish
Scripting for multimedia Scripting for multimedia needs a complete understanding of the component parts of the content, and the places where there may be occasion for the user to move sideways or diagonally through the content as well as up and down. Scripting for new media needs complex skills: the more media elements are used the more complex it becomes.
Multimedia scripting is complicated and demands a complex set of skills. These include: * making decisions on what material is relevant * deciding which media would be right for the purpose * scripting various levels of materials in different media * providing the cohesion between the levels by providing navigation diagrams/flowcharts * understanding the user and the implications of user choice on the structure of the material * being able to communicate with and instruct the programmer * keeping the vision of the whole while dissecting it into fragments * organizing the material into a detailed design document that the team can understand.
What affects content selection Influences on content: business and retail Influences on content: training applications The purpose of the project and the business sector it is being developed for influence content selection. The client may provide or influence the content
Limitation Although training and educational applications have principles that can be applied to guide content selection and structure, these principles do not transfer directly to other types of application. When the burden of proof for transfer of information is taken away there is more freedom. The principles of * repetition * the use of remedial modules * ongoing checks for comprehension * setting up situations for the user to apply the knowledge do not have to be applied in non- training situations.
Method of Content Agreement There are stages of refinement in the production of content, and sign-off should follow these: 1. To agree the major sections or topics that will be addressed, and to indicate the volume of content for each section. ► this should set the scope and balance of the application ►this usually happens at the proposal or outline agreement stages of the project
2. Stage 2 for content agreement occurs as each major section is drafted. ಃ Dilemma: The more clients see, the more they want change or at least influence the development Conclusion: Get sign-off agreement to the content stage by stage.
Principles for Establishing The Content Irrespective of the project being on – or offline, the purpose drives the selection of content, whether in terms of information, promotion, entertainment or education. The age range of the intended audience can influence content selection. Market trends can influence content selection. If you are doing a project for a corporate client, the company’s culture can affect content selection. Sometimes the developer, despite trying, cannot influence this in order to achieve the best result.
The purpose of the project will indicate the length of time the user is likely to spend on the system, and this determines the depth and breadth that content needs to have. The length of the sections of the application and therefore the depth and breadth of the content should take access and attention span into consideration. This is particularly important in online, point-of-information and kiosk applications. Content that dates quickly should be avoided, or put in a format that is easily updatable, unless the client accepts the consequences.