Austria Theresia Niedermüller Michael Kallinger Policy Advisor Directorate General II for Budget and Public Finance Federal Ministry of Finance Michael Kallinger Deputy Director Directorate General for Public Service and Administrative Reform Federal Chancellery
Administrative Burdens are a Matter of Political Concern 1. Administrative Burdens of Citizens Government Programme: advance the “reduction for businesses” programme and broaden the scope of the application of the SCM in Austria Council of Ministers: examine the possibilities to start an initiative on AB citizens using the SCM. The SCM Unit in the Federal Ministry of Finance is currently examining to start an initiative on AB citizens using SCM and did international research Please indicate in a 5 or 6 points in what way your country pays attention to the reduction of administrative burdens for citizens? Is there a policy? What are the objectives? 2
Administrative Burdens are a Matter of Political Concern 2) Quality Initiative of the Federal Administration Initiative is part of the Government Programme Framework for 40 projects with the aim of raising the quality of the work of public administration and at the same time achieve savings Please indicate in a 5 or 6 points: What measures are taken to decrease the administrative burden for citizens? 3
Existing Measures to decrease administrative burden for citizens 1) platform for citizens to get relevant information concerning administrative procedures. Site comprises federal, provincial and local administrative proceedings: online-proceedings, forms, information 200 life situations mapped on that website 2) Common Public Consultation Day (once a month) for Social Security Office, District administration and Welfare Office Please indicate in a 5 or 6 points: What measures are taken to decrease the administrative burden for citizens? 4
Expectations of learning group Learn about best practices how to save the citizens time and money Learn how to communicate improved government services to citizens Learn about ways to measure administrative burdens (quantitative and qualitative aspects) Clarification of the Interface to the Customer Satisfaction Group within the IPSG Please indicate in a 5 or 6 points: What measures are taken to decrease the administrative burden for citizens? 5