ConsultASK Management Consulting LLC H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege M. út Tel.: FAX: The Worlds first robotic, LED based, smear microscope for TB screening! The Tireless Technician!
ConsultASK Management Consulting LLC H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege M. út Tel.: FAX: Facts about the TB burden With 8.8 Mi new cases annually and almost 1,5 Mi deaths, TB is still a leading mortality factor TB is the leading killer of people with HIV 22 HBC (High Burden Country) countries account for 80% of the incidence Annually over USD 1 Bi was spent on TB diagnostics in 2009, and the sum is increasing TB drains 12 billion USD from the annual incomes of the poorest communities Loss of productivity attributable to TB approaches 7% of GDP in some countries In 2009 there were 9,7 million orphan children a a result of TB deaths Source WHO Nearly 4,000 people die from TB daily, a curable disease in most cases !!
ConsultASK Management Consulting LLC H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege M. út Tel.: FAX: Further Facts The most commonly used sputum smear microscopy is more than 100 years old, but is the most affordable for the majority of HBC countries Traditionally executed, it is also the most ineffective, detects only little more then half of patients tested with currently used manual method, mainly due to low sensitivity, lack of well trained personel, tiring factor. Todays TB drugs are more then 40 years old and have to be taken for 6-9 months Todays TB vaccine is more than 85 years old Delay in assessing proper diagnostics costs time, money and leads to continued transmission of infectionsThere is huge need for tools that correspond to the medical need at affordable price (WHO report) Source WHO There is urgent need for more accurate and rapid diagnostic tests (WHO, FIND)
ConsultASK Management Consulting LLC H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege M. út Tel.: FAX: TB Burden in 2009 Source WHO
ConsultASK Management Consulting LLC H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege M. út Tel.: FAX: TB Diagnostics market in 2009 Source WHO
ConsultASK Management Consulting LLC H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege M. út Tel.: FAX: Sputum smear diagnosis of TB: Light source microscopy ZN staining The fastest and cheapest available method Good specificity Weak sensitivity Trained staff needed Time consuming,10– 15 min./slide Traditional Fluorescence microscopy Increased sensitivity More expensive Faster, less tiresome Maintenance requirements (mercury vapour lamps )
ConsultASK Management Consulting LLC H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege M. út Tel.: FAX: The smear market in 2009 Source WHO
ConsultASK Management Consulting LLC H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege M. út Tel.: FAX: The Global Revised WHO Plan
ConsultASK Management Consulting LLC H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege M. út Tel.: FAX: Microscopy market in 2009 Source WHO
ConsultASK Management Consulting LLC H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege M. út Tel.: FAX: Market cont. Current assumptions: –Number of microscopy centers was ~70K (58K public, 12K private) in 2009 –1 smear laboratory/ population should be reached by 2015 (WHO ) –20% of microscopes should be replaced by LED by 2015 (WHO) Source WHO - Potential smear market 200 M tests (WHO)
ConsultASK Management Consulting LLC H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege M. út Tel.: FAX: Fluorobot: the only fully automated, dedicated solution Based on the traditional smear microscopy principle Fully automated –Input / output and moving of the slides –Image capturing and analysis –Intelligent bacterium recognition algorythms Low cost, robust design suitable for high incidence, high burden countires Huge walk away window, batch processing of 100 – 250 slides Small footprint High throughput (25 smears/hour) Competitive cost/test
ConsultASK Management Consulting LLC H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege M. út Tel.: FAX: Main Features Illumination system using LED technology, much less sensitive, longer lifetime and cheaper than mercury vapour lamps Robust, cost effective X-Y movement Special, fast focusing system Cost effective, simplified light path, optimised for a single magnification Dedicated image processing and pattern recognition algorithms used for bacteria identification Classification follows WHO reccomendation (neg., scanty, +, ++, +++) Standardised quality, no tiring effect Images are stored, can be transmitted, archived, revisited Opening new Quality Control possibilities No trained microscope reading staff needed
ConsultASK Management Consulting LLC H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege M. út Tel.: FAX: Major milestones Feasibility Study in Q Functional Model stage was successfully reached Q Laboratory Sample Stage was reached at Q Proof Of Principle study was conducted at German TB Reference Laboratory, WHO Supranational Laboratory at Borstel led by Dr. Rüsch- Gerdes in September 2010, with positive outcome Letter Of Intent was signed with FIND (Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics, Geneva) in November 2010 Project was exhibited at MEDICA 2012 Dusseldorf and Medical Fair India 2013 in New Delhi, with huge success Strategic Partner is searched, to carry the project through Prototype Development (Q3 2013) and Validation (Q4 2013) Industrialization and Test Production Planned Q GoLive of final product (and disposable) planned Q4 2014
ConsultASK Management Consulting LLC H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege M. út Tel.: FAX: The Road behind our development team Core team has more than 15 years experience in medical imaging and robotic microscopy Main project in the early 90s was the Seditron urine sediment analyzer developed and produced for Boehringer Mannheim
ConsultASK Management Consulting LLC H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege M. út Tel.: FAX: Your Invitation! Join the Journey!