Experimental design. Experimental design. (a) Configuration of the sampling site in Flagstaff office 1. This configuration was similar to those set up in all of the offices. Signs on the wall adjacent to the wall sampling plate describe the project and request that the materials not be touched. (b) Diagram of a single sampling plate illustrating nine sampling swatches (circles) of three different materials, one row for tracking the equilibrium relative humidity of the materials (row 1), one row for infrequent sampling (row 2), and one row for frequent sampling (row 3). (c) Samples were collected from rows 2 and 3 of all of the sampling plates in three offices in each of our three cities in four intensive sampling periods over the course of 1 year. The coloring of the sampling swatches illustrates the change in bacterial PD over the year. John Chase et al. mSystems 2016; doi:10.1128/mSystems.00022-16