Diagram illustrates terminal branches of intraparotid facial nerve


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Presentation transcript:

Diagram illustrates terminal branches of intraparotid facial nerve Diagram illustrates terminal branches of intraparotid facial nerve. 1, temporofacial branch; 2, cervicofacial branch; 3, temporal branches; 4, zygomatic branches; 5, buccal branches; 6, marginal mandibular branches; 7, cervical branches. Diagram illustrates terminal branches of intraparotid facial nerve. 1, temporofacial branch; 2, cervicofacial branch; 3, temporal branches; 4, zygomatic branches; 5, buccal branches; 6, marginal mandibular branches; 7, cervical branches. J. Chu et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2013;34:1643-1648 ©2013 by American Society of Neuroradiology