Katarina Veem Ulriksdals Slott Sweden


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Presentation transcript:

Katarina Veem Ulriksdals Slott Sweden A natural vision Katarina Veem Ulriksdals Slott Sweden

Indicators for success Putting the guiding principles for for EC policy on the environment to use! Recognise and promote compliance, implementation, of existing commitments and targets! Integration, integration, integration! Transparency and stakeholder dialogue.

To achieve the natural vision we need an instrument: that is binding, capable of translating principles into practice. flexible enough not to stifle the ambitions countries and RSCs to strive beyond EU standards. aimed at implementing international and regional commitments to halt biodiversity loss in the marine environment. based on an ecosystem approach with clear, enforceable targets with the overall aim of restoring and preserving healthy marine ecosystems. capable of delivering an ecosystem-based management system which will mitigate the threats of human activities on the marine environment. that will put an end to the sector by sector and piecemeal approach to management of the marine environment.