Our Fourth Grade Classroom News The Week of September 10, 2018 Email: felicia.johnson@henry.k12.ga.us Twitter: @Felicia83216650 Website: https://schoolwires.henry.k12.ga.us/Domain/3143 Upcoming Events Reminders Please make sure your student reads at least 25 mins each night and completes their morning work for homework. Sept 10 -15 Sept 13 & 14 Sept. 17 –21 October 5 October 8 Book Fair Grits for Grandparents No School Fall Break End of Grade Period Professional Development No school Thank you all for participating in our fall fundraiser! The money raised will directly benefit our students with our focus on literacy this year. To get your Infinite Campus GUID Activation Code to create your parent account, please go to your student’s school's home page and click on the IC Parent Account Info link and enter in the necessary information. Once you receive it, follow the instructions to create your account. Our Learning Math: Multi-Digit Addition & Subtraction Science – Life Science/Ecosystems Reading/ELA: Theme Writing: Fictional Narratives Goal Setting: Reading focused – ask your student what progress they’ve made in mastering reading standard RL1 ELAGSE4RL1: Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. SECOND STEP PROGRAM! Home Links – Watch for them! Home Links are simple, fun activities that encourage interaction between students and their adult family members, caregivers, or other important adults. The activities give students a chance to practice Second Step skills outside of school and help families learn about the skills so they can use them at home.