Assignment Log Water Pollution: Check #1 Day of Chapter 20 Reading Quiz Name of assignment: Problems to be done for full credit: Points: Types of Pollution 1-2 5 Water Pollution 1-1-5 2. Thermal Pollution lab Graph, 1-7, 8 A-E 10 Eutrophication 1-20 10 Troubled Waters 1-25, extension 1-4, 5 a-e and 6 a-d 10 Water quality research 4 paragraphs, quiz 1-6, extension 1 a-f and 2 A-D 10
Assignment Log Water Pollution: Check #2 day of FRQ (Unit #9 Free Response Question) Name of assignment: Problems to be done for full credit: Points: Exxon Valdez spill 1 10 Niger Delta Oil 1-3 Deepwater Drilling 1-3 Deepwater Horizon Oil spill 1-9 Oil spill and Wildlife 1-4 Cleaning up oil spills 1-5 Dirty Secrets 1-32, 33 a-e, and 34 a-f 10 Sewage Treatment 1-2 2 Dolphin Safe Tuna part 1 1-10, 11 a-d 10 Briefing on Transgenic Salmon part 2 3 or more paragraphs to answer 2. Take home test 1-50 5