Creating an Innovation and Culture Change Plan The Youth Social Enterprise Leadership programme is delivered as part of the Catalyst consortia. Catalyst is a consortium of four organisations working with the Department for Education’s (DfE) as the strategic partner for young people, as part of the Department’s wider transition programme for the sector. Catalyst will work to deliver three key objectives over a two year period. It will strengthen the youth sector market, equip the sector to work in partnership with Government and coordinate a skills development strategy for the youth sector’s workforce. The consortium is coordinated by the National Council for Voluntary Youth Services (NCVYS) with three partners: National Youth Agency (NYA), Social Enterprise UK, and The Young Foundation Creating an Innovation and Culture Change Plan
Influences and Outlook What are the organisation’s influences' and out look (use the PEST and SWOT for reference)
Organisation Vision and Mission ………….. What needs to be innovated to meet that vision?
Innovation Strategy/Plan Overall Innovation Goal (s) Key Innovation Objectives Innovation Projects to deliver those objectives
The key stages in a road map for development and innovating New products/services/ideas New markets New delivery options Innovation approaches Efficiencies, effectiveness, Process reengineering Feasibility studies Market intelligence Enterprise change readiness The wider landscape - PEST The Business Model Structure & governance The strategic plan Financial & resource plan Risk management plan Brand development (all to be tested) Hot Housing: Modelling & testing with an initial contract (low risk) Feedback & measures Review & refine model Develop rollout plan Overall Programme Plan for the Roadmap Culture and Change Management Plan Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Innovation Project Overview Template Project Names Name Text Objectives Objectives …. … Brief description of initiative Assessment against our key criteria TEXT Key criteria Score Competitive Advantage 1-10 Customer Experience Staff Alignment with Strategy Risk Doability System simplification Benefits Costs Risks Aspirational timescales TEXT Start Date End date Initiation Nov 2008 Dec 2008 Feasibility Jan 2009 Concept Mar 2009 Hot Housing Mar 2011 Dependencies & any critical deadlines? How does this project support business strategy? Synergies with other projects Critical support needed Text Why should this project proceed in 2012? What is the impact if this project is not funded? Text Key Contacts – Name & mobile telephone number Project lead Accountable Executive
Resource requirements Innovation Template – Indicative financial assessment Costs: Project Costs Resource Costs Resource requirements Other Capital Costs Total £s Benefits FTEs Improves Income Cuts Costs Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Rationale/assumptions for cost assessment. Please indicate the source of any cost data or state as ‘project estimate’ Rationale/assumptions for benefit assessment & details of non-financial benefits
Competitive Advantage Alignment with Strategy System Simplification Project Self-assessment Key 3 5 7 10 Competitive Advantage No material impact n/a Builds a temporary competitive advantage or removes a competitive disadvantage Gives a sustainable competitive environment in one major channel Gives a sustainable competitive environment across channels Customer Experience Negative or No material Impact on customer experience Positive impact on moderate % of overall business unit customers Superior impact on moderate % of overall business unit customers Positive impact on high % of overall business unit customers Superior impact on high % of overall business unit customers Staff Negative or No material Impact on staff experience Medium positive impact on moderate % of overall business unit staff High positive impact on moderate % of overall business unit staff Medium positive impact on high % of overall business unit staff High positive impact on high % of business unit staff Alignment with Strategy Does not make a material impact Aligned to strategy but small step Aligned to strategy and required to achieve strategy but small step Fundamental to strategy and takes a big step in one of the objectives Fundamental to strategy and takes a big step towards delivery in more than one of the key objectives Risk Material increase in risk to organisation Some increase in risk to organisation No change in organisation risk Some reduction in risk to organisation Material reduction in risk to organisation Do-ability Complex project AND major resource contention Complex project AND major resource contention, OR Major resource contention AND some complex elements Some complex elements AND some resource contention Simple project BUT some resource contention Simple project AND no material resource contention System Simplification Makes critical system materially more complex Some additional complexity for non-critical systems No impact on systems Maintains non-critical or critical system Enhances and simplifies critical system Benefits <£25k and / or low qualitative benefits <£75k and / or medium qualitative benefits <£125k and / or medium high qualitative benefits £125k - £250 k and / or high qualitative benefits delivered within 2 years >£500k and / or high qualitative benefits delivered in current year Cost >£10k £10k-£50k £50k - £100k £100k-150k <£150k Non Financial Criteria Financial Criteria
Build a stakeholder engagement plan You’ll need to work through the following eight steps in sequence, to arrive at a workable plan: Setting communication objectives Setting key innovation and culture messages for your organisation Defining and prioritising key stakeholders (see previous guides) Setting additional key messages which are relevant for each stakeholder group and their particular issues/concerns Developing effective communication tactics for each target audience Developing the quarterly communications calendar that sits with your culture change plan and innovation plan Assessing results and adapting the plan
Organisational culture development plan SUPPORTING OUR INNOVATION PROJECTS Organisational culture development plan
Objectives that underpin the Organisational Culture Development Plan e.g.……. That the organisation, its assets, and its activities will be sustainable. That the organisation’s efforts and outputs will be effective. That the organisation and its people are ingenious. That the organisation and its people are considerate.
Drivers of our culture What shapes your culture and behaviours and how do you want that to change? Identify the key processes, policies, systems, rewards, structure, leadership styles, recruitment, etc. that shape your culture and lead to behaviours that need to change? How do you think those drivers can be developed or changed to deliver your cultural objectives What activities will need to take place to support that change? By when – how to they fit with your innovation plan?
Summary of the required change Culture change plan Key Driver Summary of the required change Key Activities By When Accountable Measure of Success Reward and Motivation Move toward performance culture where we reward more for success – this will support our enterprise plan Performance management system overall Date Etc.