Learning Challenges
What are Learning Challenges? Learning Challenges are available in the dining hall at breaks and lunchtimes. They are challenges created to extend your learning!
What are Learning Challenges? This year there will be two separate challenges provided. A KS3 challenge for Y7 and 8 pupils A KS4 challenge for GCSE students (and any year 7 or 8s who like a challenge!) Each week the challenge will be based on a different subject.
Rewards You are extending your own learning – a massive reward in itself! Each week an individual is selected at random from the entries. They will win free breakfast for a whole week!
Rewards As well as individual prizes, every entry for your VMG gets you a point! The VMG with the most points each week, will receive a sticker on the VMG leader board. The VMG with the most stickers each half term, will win a prize!