natural sciences 3
What’s matter? Matter is everything that exists. Matter is made up of different materials. Some materials are natural and some are artificial.
What are the three states of matter? There are three states of matter: solid, liquid and gas.
What’s the difference between mass and volume? Mass is the amount of matter. Volume is the space matter occupies.
What are the characteristics of water? Water is odourless, tasteless and colourless.
How does water change state? Water is in a gas state at temperatures of over 100°C. Water is in a liquid state between 1°C and 99°C. Water is in a solid state at temperatures below 0°C.
What are mixtures? Foto panda, bee and pig p. 6 A mixture happens when we put two or more substances together. Mixtures can be heterogenous or homogeneous.
How can we separate mixtures? Foto panda, bee and pig p. 6 We can separate mixtures by evaporation or by filtration.
How many types of waste are there? Turtle/eagle/cheetah p. 6 There are four types of waste: organic, recyclable, non-recyclable and e-waste.
What have we learnt? There are three states of matter… solid liquid gas
What have we learnt? There are two types of mixtures… heterogeneous homogeneous
What have we learnt? There are four types of waste… organic recyclable non-recyclable e-waste