Structural determinants of Triton specificity Structural determinants of Triton specificity Superimposition of ShHTL7‐Triton (space group P65; gray; Triton: green carbons and red oxygens), ShHTL5 (PDB 5CBK; salmon), OsD14 (PDB 4IHA; cyan), AtD14 (PDB 4IH4; magenta) and AtHTL (PDB 4HRY; yellow). The RMSD between structures is 1.12 Å.Zoom onto helices α4 and α5. Triton and relevant side chains are shown.ShHTL7 (gray), ShHTL5 (orange), and OsD14 (cyan) with their ligand‐binding pockets shown in surface view. Umar Shahul Hameed et al. EMBO Rep. 2018;embr.201745619 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend