IEEE 1850 PSL Update January 2008
IEEE 1850 PSL Current Status IEEE 1850 Property Specification Language (PSL) Was ratified in October 2006 The standard enjoys broad industry support, and is currently being used in both simulation and formal verification environments The principle beneficiaries are anyone within industry doing digital design and verification
IEEE 1850 PSL Current Status Current work on new standard will focus on” Adding new features to PSL that will improve interoperability of VIP within a heterogeneous environment Adding new features that will improve links between assertion-based IP and the simulation verification environment (for example, action blocks and local variables) Addressing errata, improve LRM clarification as pointed out by existing users of PSL, and add formal semantics for directives (for example, defining the formal semantics for assert, cover, assume) Target completion for the next round of standardization is Q1 of 2009.
IEEE 1850 PSL Current Status For additional information, go to. . . .