A Pet We Would Like to own! Mrs. Beckwith’s Class Robert Frost Elementary Room 115
Minerva Sophia A. Chihuahua Chihuahuas need to be clean. Chihuahuas have long or short hair. Chihuahuas need a bed and exercise Chihuahuas need a drink and they need to eat.
Viola Carolina Parrot Parrots need a cage. Parrots need a safe toy. They need a perch for sitting and sleeping. Birds eat bird food pellets they also eat raw fruit.
Genesis Jaedyn Hamster Their teeth are strong to chew and nibble. Hamsters also enjoy tunnels and exercise wheels. They need fresh fruit, vegetables and fresh water every day. They can live on their own in about three weeks.
Jazlynn Sophia M. Elika Horse American Indians once rode Appaloosas. Grain to eat and apples and water to drink. You fed it so it can be healthy. Horses need exercise.
Leah Sabrina Persian cat Persian cats need food and they should always have fresh water to drink. Persian cats should live indoors because outdoor cats may get sick or be hurt.
Philip Sloane Golden Retriever Golden Retrievers weigh 55 to 75 pounds. Golden Retrievers have long wagging tails. They need food, water training and exercise. Some people use Golden Retrievers as hunting dogs.
Will Madeline Rabbit They need a water bottle. They live for 10 years. Baby rabbits are called kits. Rabbits need fresh water every day.
Jaylen Osbaldo German Shepherd German Shepherds are smart. They can live for 15 years. They eat dog food and water. A boy dog can weigh 66-88 pounds.
Gaby Leo Goldfish Pet fish need special food from a pet store. Don’t feed pet fish too much. They need food and clean water. Pet fish need to live in a bowl.
Lizbeth Noah Shih Tzu Need food, water, and exercise every day. Take them to the vet to keep them healthy. They can live for 15 years.
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