Corporate Program Update Internet2 Industry Strategy Council Meeting This is a general overview presentation about Internet2. Internet2 is a consortium, led by US universities, which is recreating the partnership among academia, industry and government that fostered today’s Internet in its infancy. 21 November 2003
Corporate Program Update Overview and Assumptions Considerations and Constraints Program and Activities Engagement Strategies Member Recruitment and Retention Marketing and Communications Activities This is the Internet2 mission. 5/15/2019
Overview and Assumptions Led by higher education, the partnership between industry, academia, and government, that is the Internet2 community, is key to its strength. Engagement of the corporate community is important to Internet2; this is a critical constituency: Resources and mindshare support goals and objectives Context and Method for Technology Transfer - assuring scalability, integration with the global Internet Leverage across ‘stove pipes’ when goals are common Validation of what we do and who we are -- Brand enhancement Supports and enhances academic – industry relationships broadly 5/15/2019
Overview and Assumptions Membership is the vehicle for the engagement and the relationship Corporate membership has grown from 8 members in 1996 to 66 members in 2003. Corporate membership has diversified: from all Technology providers to group that includes also content providers, technology consumers, venture funds Corporate memberships based on engagement and collaboration rather than pure marketing Continued growth of membership is desirable As long as the corporate program can scale Requires a mutual value proposition Quality not just quantity Targeted recruiting and directed marketing important 5/15/2019
Overview and Assumptions Corporate Members differ from Regular Members Diverse set of value propositions Enablers and constraints regarding Internet2 participation different than the academic community Relationship management is key for full engagement and retention More than just the responsibility of Corporate Relations Important for corporate program to Demonstrate value to higher education Strengthen and support Internet2’s role as a place to assure the future of the Internet. Leverage corporate relationships in support of Internet2 goals and objectives Recognize and support different value propositions Provide a venue for cross industry and industry sector collaboration 5/15/2019
Considerations and Constraints Value proposition for corporate participation is diverse, complex, and difficult to measure Staff turn over within companies creates problems with acquiring and retaining corporate members. Relationships often at the project level rather than at executive, strategy level. Increased competition for mindshare and resources i.e. GGF, international Demonstration of ROI a key factor for companies Decreased capacity for contributions of financial resources, intellectual mindshare, equipment, $$ etc. Overt marketing is considered unacceptable in Internet2’s culture 5/15/2019
Considerations and Constraints New models and initiatives challenge the assumption of participation/engagement is for members only Broad assimilation of middleware, FiberCO, NLR, Quilt Programs that leverage and support the corporate ‘consumers’ are missing Positioning of corporate membership Corporate ‘customers’ for Abilene a hard sell Costs, Security concerns, Network design complexities No prototype to production path Organizational: IT versus line of business area; research group 5/15/2019
Corporate Program: Engagement Strategies Industry Strategy Council input and advice Engagement Planning and Assessment Building corporate member involvement into planning process for Internet2 efforts - strategic, tactical, and project level Enhancing working group activities and opportunities for corporate involvement Addressing Barriers to Participation in Abilene Security concerns, network design complexities, fee structures Engaging corporate strategists and leadership in key activities Serving as a neutral convener for industry efforts that parallel and support higher education interests Participating in Collaborative efforts to impact federal policy Purchasing and licensing agreements in support of research and education community 5/15/2019
Corporate Program: Recruitment and Retention Pipeline Management and Proactive Recruiting Focus on companies important for strategic directions; important for university research communities Partner with GigaPoPs and other interest groups/organizations as appropriate Pursue “Academic Development” contacts in member universities to identify key corporate member prospects with high partnership potential re recruiting Sector focused development: plans and materials to support Relationship Management Corporate Relations focus on engagement – quarterly contacts Senior Staff focus on building relationship and on executive level interaction with key companies Plans for Members at Risk Liaison with business schools University of Michigan Harvard Business School Net 7 new members for 2003: 13 new, 7 lost 5/15/2019
Corporate Program: Marketing and Communications Low key marketing opportunities for corporate members Corporate Project Websites Showcases, Spotlights, Case Studies Member to Member Updates Poster Sessions Improved CR web site highlight corporate member involvement and achievement interactive tools to identify partnership opportunities and to support collaboration Increased PR opportunities: relationships between Internet2 communications group and corporate communications group. 5/15/2019
Corporate Program: Activities HBS – Internet2 workshop on Business Applications Academic and corporate participation Develop framework for continuing study ongoing activity? Cross industry activities for commercial members with common interests Executive Forums Involve key leaders to develop programs Topics: Trusted networks, security Fostering Working groups, SIGs, BoFs Examples: high performance secure applications, federating organizations group Considerations for the future: “Future of the Internet” Forum Industry Sector/Academic Discipline Groups 5/15/2019