SWBAT use the keyboard function of Ctrl plus F to complete a quick revision of an essay. Directions for class: Work with a partner on a quick edit of his or her essay. To do that, first share the essay. Next, follow this PowerPoint for as a guide to help fix some common mistakes. Kraus, 2015
Skip to Slide 5 If you are reviewing Your own essay Click “Share” There are a lot of us on a Chromebooks… Be patient with setting up the share Click “Share” Kraus, 2015
Enter your partner’s email address (school one) Click “Share” Kraus, 2015
Click “Shared with me” Kraus, 2015
Kraus, 2015
Word Confusion: accept ~ except affect ~ effect verb the effect Directions: Enter each of the words in black and double check you are using the correct word. Purple text are hints for to help you fix your essay. accept ~ except Verb “apart from” affect ~ effect verb the effect alter ~ altar To change the altar Enter each of the words in black Purple are intended hints for clarification their ~ there ~ they’re Possesive shows where contraction Kraus, 2015
You I, my We, us Pronoun Concern Replace with either One or People Directions: Enter each of the words in the red circle. The options to correct are on the right side of the screen. You I, my Delete In my opinion, the fact I think the fact… Enter each of the pronouns on the left Solutions are on the right Replace with either Most or Citizens We, us Kraus, 2015
‘ ‘ n t s Contractio UmmKaay Write out the two words Makes the essay longer Enter n’t to find contractions Enter ‘s to find contractions
Sentence Variety Concern Directions: Enter the period and the pronoun: “. It” in black. This edit is about clarity. Both “it” and words like “something” are dangerous, so it is better to explain what the “it” or “something” is. One per paragraph is great… Two… (can be okay) . It something Kraus, 2015
Sentence Variety Concern Comma + FANBOYS Only place a comma before “and” when combining complete sentences… , and , The point is that abortion is wrong and we people should know that. Revisit bad pronoun with 1st purple sentence Write in subject in second example NOTE: Comma + FANBOYS Name that refers to combining sentences with a comma and coordinating conjuctions Link to YouTube Review- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBHFaFGhurM&feature=player_detailpage Abortions cost a lot and are unsafe. Kraus, 2015
Sentence Variety Concern Fancy FANBOYS * These need to be surrounded with punctuation Moreover Therefore However Draw in the options prior to “moreover” NOTE Fancy FANBOYS Term for use of conjunctive adverbs and there typical use to combine sentences YouTube Review- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcbbaLO1kZI&feature=player_detailpage , The point is that abortion is wrong moreover we people should know that. Kraus, 2015
? Questions and an Essay Replace with a direct statement or omit According to the freedictionary.com, an essay is “A short literary composition on a single subject, usually presenting the personal view of the author” The definition highlights that an essay expresses the “personal view” of the writer. This means essays are intended to formally present the opinion(s) of the author. Since questions do not clearly demonstrate an opinion, they do not fit in an essay. Therefore, an essay ought not to have a question. ? Omit means delete. Replace with a direct statement or omit Kraus, 2015
References Essay. (n.d.). Retrieved May 13, 2015, from http://www.thefreedictionary.com/essay Lawry, J. (n.d.). Using Ctrl F to proofread your writing. Retrieved May 12, 2015. Parker, Trey, and Matt Stone. "Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset (Season 8, Episode 12) - Episode Guide." South Park Studios. Comedy Central, 4 Dec. 2004. Web. 13 May 2015.