Data Dissemination at the EU level The Urban Audit Data Dissemination at the EU level Lewis Dijkstra, PhD
Topics of my presentation Urban Audit Website NewCronos Urban Audit Call for Tender
123 Large cities 135 Midsize cities There are currently 258 cities participating in the Urban Audit. (In the pilot phase there were only 58 large cities) London and Paris (Europe's biggest cities) are included. The 258 cities are geographically dispersed within each Member State. At least one city in every region. Approximately 20% of the national population is covered (1 in 5 people in every country) Provides a simple introduction to the UA This website has been up and running since August 2004 Updated with data and expanded in October 2005 Contract runs until August 2006 After that?
Access data in 5 ways City Profile City Ranking City comparisons Structure of cities Download a small subset of data
1. City Profile
2. City Ranking
3. City Comparison
4. Structure of Cities Compares city level data with: National data Larger Urban Zone data Minimum neighbourhood level Maximum neighbourhood level (Only 31 neighbourhood indicators)
Example: Structure of Amiens
5. Data download page Simple interface Allows only 6 indicators to be downloaded Up to three countries at a time Only one spatial level at a time
NewCronos Now freely accessible For advanced users: academics, researchers, policy makers… Allows the data to be structured in different ways and can be downloaded for future analysis But does not provide any analysis, comparison or graphing
Commission Communication Cities' contribution to Growth and Jobs in the Region To be presented during the Informal Ministerial Meeting on Urban Affairs in Bristol on 6 December Clarifies the role of cities within the Future round of Structural Funds Builds on the Strategic Guidelines Annex with analysis based on the UA (see document in Circa)
Urban Audit Analysis Call for Tender State of European Cities Report Current state of cities Evolution over time Typologies Case Studies 4-10 short case studies produced in collaboration with each city to show the added value of the UA at the local level Could function as a model for other cities on how to use the Urban Audit
Conclusion Multiple methods of dissemination Increased attention for communication and analysis as well as data dissemination However, UA should become more widely known and used. Hopefully, the UA will become known through word of mouth.