Introduction to JavaScript & jQuery Lesson 8
Lesson Objectives You will learn an overview of how to use JavaScript How to use the jQuery JavaScript Library You will add interactivity to your pages with JavaScript and jQuery
What is interactivity ? We have learned that html provides the structure of and css provides the style of a web page. Although they both do a good job for their intended roles, they have limitations when it comes to interactivity. Interactivity is the extent of a computer program and a human being having a dialog with. Hyperlinks are a good example.
JavaScript provides interactivity JavaScript is a scripting language (an instructional language) and the programming principles do not come easily to visual designers. You will not become a JavaScript programmer at the end of this lesson but you will understand enough of the basics to modify your web pages for your final website.
What happened to Silverlight? Microsoft Silverlight is a developer tool and was used extensively in html4 to create interactive user experiences for Web and mobile applications. However, the commercial media industry which has been undergoing a major transition as content providers are moving away from proprietary web plug-in based delivery like Flash and Silverlight and replace them with unified plug-in free video players that are based on HTML5 specifications
What about Adobe Flash! Flash is a vector animation software, originally designed to create animations for display on web pages. Vector graphics are ideal for the web because they are very small in size. Adobe Flash was a large component of html4 as was Silverlight which are now being replaced with HTML5 specs.
What is jQuery jQuery is a feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML documents traversal (going back and forth across areas) manipulation, event handling, animation and Ajax much simpler with an user friendly API (application program interface) that works across a multitude of browsers.
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