Young Londoners Fund Round Two
Young Londoners Fund Helping children and young people aged 10 to 21 to fulfil their potential, particularly those at risk of getting caught up in crime. It will support a range of education, sport, cultural and other activities. This year £15m is available to support projects working with children and young people. Last year (2018) 105 organisations were awarded grants, totalling £15m.
Aims Provide aspirational and inspirational activities Give new options and positive choices More children and young people access London’s youth offer
Who the YLF funding supports Young people at risk of exclusion or involvement in criminal activity, for example: Potentially being excluded from school or college, not in employment or at-risk of social exclusion Living in a disadvantaged neighbourhood, having a disrupted family, having a convicted parent or sibling Young people who’ve been involved in criminal activity, for example: Having a criminal conviction or any other sanction In contact with a Youth Offending Team or Service Incarcerated or on probation Expect to commit two-thirds of funding to the at risk group and one-third to projects for young people who’ve been involved in criminal activity. Applicants may identify a specific sub-group of young people who meet the definitions above, depending on the focus of your project. For example, you may choose to focus your project on young people who are at risk of experiencing mental ill health or have had adverse childhood experiences, or you may focus on young victims of criminality. Projects which support a universal, mixed, group of young people would still be eligible for funding. However, applicants must clearly show the anticipated impact of project activities on young people who are either at risk of exclusion or involvement in criminal activity or have been involved in criminal activity.
Round 1 – where are we investing? Sole Deliverers, Lead Applicants and Consortiums can apply for a small or medium grant. To be eligible for a large grant, applicants must be a Lead Applicant or a Consortium. Two-thirds for at risk; one-third involved in crime.
Sole Deliverers, Lead Applicants and Consortiums can apply for a small or medium grant. To be eligible for a large grant, applicants must be a Lead Applicant or a Consortium. Two-thirds for at risk; one-third involved in crime.
Round 1 – who applied? £ Requested No. bids No. funded Total £ funded £ Requested No. bids No. funded Total £ funded % of bids funded Round 1 YLF Small Grants (incl. Sports Unites) £7.4m 132 33 £2.4m 25% Round 1 YLF Medium Grants £28m 212 68 £9.4m 32% Round 1 YLF Large Grants £85m 109 4 £3.8m 4% Total no. of applications (incl. Sports Unites) £122m 450 105 £15.6m 23%
Round 2 – funding available Size of grant Funding per year Max grant over 3 years Indicative YLF round 1 allocation % of funding No. of projects Small £10,000 -£30,000 £90,000 £1.5m 10% 30 Medium £30,000 -£50,000 £150,000 £9m 60% 65 Large £50,000-£500,000 £4.5m 30% 4/5 Sole Deliverers, Lead Applicants and Consortiums can apply for a small or medium grant. To be eligible for a large grant, applicants must be a Lead Applicant or a Consortium. Two-thirds for at risk; one-third involved in crime.
Round 2 - who can apply Your organisation must be legally constituted Your annual grant proposed must not be more than 50 per cent of the annual turnover of your organisation You/your lead applicant must be able to provide audited/examined accounts You must have a proven track record in the work your organisation does You must have expertise and / or experience in delivering the kind of work set out in your proposal You should have or commit to working towards the London Youth Quality Mark & Project Oracle Validation Standard 1 The annual grant proposed must not constitute more than 50% of the annual turnover of the lead organisation. For example, organisations applying for a grant of £10k per annum must have a turnover of more than £20k per annum. Your organisation must be legally constituted. If not, you must be part of a Consortium who is a legally constituted organisation or be in a partnership with a Sole Lead Applicant Sole Deliverers are an individual organisation without sub-granting or sub-contracting arrangements. The GLA will issue a grant to the Sole Deliverer. Lead Applicants are an individual organisation who is solely responsible for the achievement of the project which is delivered through a partnership which is legally bound by sub-granting or sub-contracting arrangements. The GLA will issue a grant to the Lead Applicant. Consortiums are formed of a Partnership of organisations who come together to deliver a common objective (the project) and are held jointly accountable for the delivery of the project. Consortiums are a legally constituted organisation (in which case all members must participate in the project). The GLA will issue a grant to the Consortium, and all members must sign the agreement.
Round 2 - application window Applications Open 15 May 2019 Information sessions May/June Involve young people in your ideas and plans Any queries contact the grant helpline on 020 3291 3026 Applications Close 12-noon Friday 12 July
Round 2 – information and support Local networks Information sessions (incl. filmed session online) Sign-up for updates Feedback on round 1 and FAQs Project development resources including highly scoring answers
Local networks Support bidders, coordinate and promote projects locally& share good practice The list of local networks is available on our website The dates of information sessions will also be published here
Feedback on round 1 applications Some common areas for development identified during the assessment process: A lack of clarity in how the proposed project would tackle the primary aims of the fund Unclear on the young people the project was aimed at, their needs and how the organisation would engage them in the project design and delivery Not enough information on activities the proposed project would provide and what difference these activities would make to young people Did not demonstrate how the proposed project would engage with existing local services to provide wraparound support for young people
Key documents and links Prospectus and Application Guidance Register on our grants portal If you have questions about the application process: Helpline 020 3291 3026 An FAQ document is regularly updated and is available on the Young Londoners web page