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Presentation transcript:

kic©snüaBaNiC¢kmµGnþrCati Shipping Management Build Bright University emeronTI 2 kic©snüaBaNiC¢kmµGnþrCati International Commercial Contract eKalbMng (Objectives) bnÞab;BIGanCMBUkenH nisSitGacmancMenHdwgBI³ 1-eKalbMngénkareFVIBaNiC¢kmµGnþrCati (Goals of Doing International business) 2-karedaHRsayCMelaHelIkic©snüaBaNiC¢kmµGnþrCati (Resolution of International Commercial Contract Disputes) 3-ÉksarFanar:ab;rg³ (Insurance Documents.)

etIkic©snüaBaNiC¢kmµmanlkçN³CaGnþrCatienAeBlNa? 1> kic©snüaBaNiC¢kmµmanlkçN³CaGnþrCati (International commercial contract) etIkic©snüaBaNiC¢kmµmanlkçN³CaGnþrCatienAeBlNa? cMNucTImYyEdlRtUvbBa¢ak;[c,as;las; faetIkic©snüarvagBIrPaKI BitCakic©snüaGnþr Catib¤y:agNa. CamUldæan³ RbsinebIPaKITaMgBIrmanTItaMgRbkbrbrGaCIvkmµenAkñúgRbeTsEtmYy enaHCMelaHCaTUeTA RtUv)aneKedaHRsayenAtulakar b¤salakþIrbs;RbeTsenaH. If both parties have relevant place of business in the same nation, disputes will be generally resolved in courts or arbitral tribunals of that nation. EtebIkEnøgEdlPaKITaMgBIreFVIkic©snüa manTItaMgRbkbrbrGaCIvkmµenAxusKña enaHkic© snüarbs;BYkeK RtUvmanlkçN³CaGnþrCati. dUecñH viFanc,ab;GnþrCatinwgGnuvtþcMeBaHkic©snüa enaH. But where two parties to a contract have their relevant places of business in different states, their contract has international characteristics. So international legal rules will apply to it.

1> kic©snüaBaNiC¢kmµmanlkçN³CaGnþrCati (International commercial contract) cUrBicarNaGMBIkrNIrbs;elakeBC EdlCaGñkpliteRmcenAe)a:yEb:t (Consider the case of Mr.Pich, who is a black pepper producer in Poipet.)

2> smasFatuénkic©snüaGnþrCati (International contract components) 1> Pasa (Language) EpñksMxan;énkarbegáItkic©snüaKW RtUveFVIeGayR)akdfaPasaEdl)aneRbI KWc,as; las; ehIyPaKITaMgBIryl;vakñúgpøÚvdUcKña. An important part of creating any contract is making sure that the language is clear, and that all the parties understand it the same way. 2> rUbiyb½NÑ (Currency) bBaðad_manskþanuBlmYyeTotenAkñúgkarbegáItkic©snüaGnþrCatiKW kMnt;nUvrUbiyb½NÑ edIm,I eRbIR)as;enAkñúgbegáItkic©snüa. enHCaerOgsMxan;BIeRBaHPaKITaMgBIrGacmineFVICMnYjrbs; eKnUvrUbiyb½NÑdUcKña ehIyeRBaHGRtabþÚrR)ak;mankarERbRbYl. Another potential problem in the formation of international contract is determining the currency to be used in performing the contract .This can be important because the parties may not do most their business in the same currency and because rate of exchange can vary.

2> smasFatuénkic©snüaGnþrCati (International contract components) 3> kic©RBmeRBogkarTUTat;BaNiC¢kmµ (Countertrade) ekIteLIgnUvkEnøgEdlPaKIeFVIkic©snüamYy dwkCBa¢ÚnTMnij esvakmµ bec©kviTüa b¤vtßúNa mYy EdlmantMélcMeBaHPaKIepSgeTot nigenAkñúgkaredaHdUrEdl)anplRbeyaCn_eTAPaKITI1. Occurs Where one contract party delivers goods, service, technology, or some other thing of value to the other party, and in exchange the other provide goods services, technology or something value to the first party. kic©RBmeRBogkarTUTat;BaNiC¢kmµ (There are four diferent types of coutertrade) kic©snüadUrTMnij nigTMnij (Barter) kic©RBmeRBogTijeTAvijeTAmk (Counter-purchase) kic©RBmeRBogTijvij (Buy back) kic©RBmeRBogTUTat;eTVPaKI (Bilateral clearing Agreement)

2> smasFatuénkic©snüaGnþrCati (International contract components) 4> smtßPaB-nItism,Ta ( Capacity) vaCaGMNacRsbc,ab;rbs;PaKI edIm,IeFVIGVIEdlmnusSeBjv½ymankMlaMg dUcCakic© snüaBiessNamYy. CaTUeTAEdlPaKImYy mansmtßPaBeFVIkic©snüaGnþrCatiedayEp¥kelIc,ab; rbs;RbeTsnimYy² b¤RbeTsEdlmanyutþaFikareTAelIkic©snüa . It is basically a party’s legal power to do what adult person usually have the power to do, such as a particular contract. Generally, where a party has the capacity to make an international contract depended on the law of the individual nation or nation which have jurisdiction over the contract.

2> smasFatuénkic©snüaGnþrCati (International contract components) 5> nItüanukUlPaB (Legality) nItüanukUlPaBénkic©snüaGnþrCatiCabBaðamYy EdlCaTUeTARtUv)anpþl;CUneTAeGay c,ab;kñúgRsukrbs;RbeTsenaH EdlmanyutþaFikarelIkic©snüaenaH. müa:geTot vaCaKMnitl¥mYy EdlRtUvRtYtBinitüc,ab;kñúgRsuk edIm,IeGayR)akdfa BaNiC¢kmµEdl)anb:g minRtUv)aneKrMelaP bMBanc,ab;edayRbeTsBak;B½n§enaH. The legality of international contract is an issue which is generally left to the domestic law of the nation which have jurisdiction over the contract. Once again, it is a good idea to check these domestic law to make sure that the purposed transaction does not violate the law of any nation involved. 6> RbFanskþi¬kMlaMgCMruj (Force Majeure) kareFVIBaNiC¢kmµCaGnþrCatiGacekItmaneRKaHfñak;CaerOy² CagkareFVIBaNiC¢kmµenA kñúgRbeTsxøÜnÉg krNIRbFanskþiekIteLIgEdlPaKImYyyl;RBmeFVIkic©snüaGacBnüaeBl b¤ bBa©b;tYnaTInUvkic©snüaenaH. Doing business internationally can often carry more risk than doing business within one’s own nation, force majors happened that a party agrees to contract can delay or end its duty under the contract.

3> karedaHRsayCMelaHelIkic©snüaBaNiC¢kmµGnþrCati: (Resolution of International commercial contract disputes) etICMelaHelIkic©snüaBaNiC¢kmµGnþrCatiRtUv)anedaHRsayedayrebobNa? tammaRta 22 énRkwtüc,ab;elx 38 c,ab;kic©snüarbs;km<úCabc©úb,nñ ¬1988¦ )anbBa¢ak; fa kic©snüamYycat;TukfaRsbc,ab;rvagPaKITaMgBIr. Article22 of decree 38, the current Cambodian Contract Law (1988), states that “Contract is regarded as law between the parties”. EpñksMxan;BIrénkic©snüaKW sþIBIkareRCIserIsc,ab; nigsalaCMrHkþI. Two of these important parts of a contract are choice of law and choice of forum clauses. CaFmµtac,ab;EdleRCIserIsenaHRtUvTak;TinkareFVIGaCIvkmµ. Usually the law selected must relate to the transaction.

3> karedaHRsayCMelaHelIkic©snüaBaNiC¢kmµGnþrCati: (Resolution of International commercial contract disputes) ]TahrN_³ GñkTijCatiExµryl;RBmTijsURteqABIGñklk;Catiéf (A Cambodian purchaser agrees to buy raw silk from a Thai seller) PaKITaMgBIrGaceRCIserIskic©snüarbs;BYkeKEdlsßitenAeRkamkic©RBmeRBogGnþrCati mandUcCa GnusBaØaGgÁkarshRbCaCatisþIBIkarkic©snüalk;TMnijGnþrCati CISG qñaM 1980. Parties may also choose to have their contract governed by international agreements such as the United Nations Convention on CISG (Contracts for the International Sale of Goods) in 1980, b¤kMrgviFand_éTeTotdUcCa eKalkarN_énkic©snüaBaNiC¢kmµGnþrCati UNIDROIT qñaM 1994 (Or contracrts UNIDROIT (The UNIDROIT Principle of International Commercial Contarcts) in 1994.) b¤kMrgviFankñúgRsukd_éTeTotrbs;RbeTsEdlBak;Bn½§BaNiC¢kmµ. (Or other domestic law of a country for relevant transaction.)

4> ÉksarFanar:ab;rg (Insurance Documents) 1> niymn½y karFanar:ab;rg KWCakic©snüarvag FanakarI ¬CaTUeTA KWCaRkumh‘unFanar:ab;rg¦ nig Gñkkan;bN½ÑFanar:ab;rg ¬EdleKehApgEdrfaGñkmankarFanar:ab;rg¦. Insurance is a contract between an insurer (generally an insurance company) and a policyholder (also called the insured or assured). viBaØabnbRtFanar:ab;rg1 (Insurance Certificate) KWCaÉksarEdlerobcMedayGñknaMecj b¤ Rkumh‘uneFVIEbbbTbBa¢ÚnTMnij edIm,Ipþl;CaPsþútagbBa¢ak;famankarFanar:ab;rg cMeBaH karxUcxat b¤ )at;bg;TMnijenAGMLúgeBleFVIkardwkCBa¢Ún. 1sRmg;ecjBIesovePAmKÁeTsk_sþIBInitiviFIénkarnaMecj TMB½r 7

4> ÉksarFanar:ab;rg (Insurance Documents) 2> karTTYlxusRtUvrbs;PaKIkic©snüa buBVlaPFanar:ab;rg (A Premium) katBVkic© (An Obligation) eCIgsarFanar:ab;rg (Brokers) ry³eBlénkarFanar:ab;rg (The Policy Period) GnusBaØaGnþrCati (International Conventions)

4> ÉksarFanar:ab;rg (Insurance Documents) 3> RbePTcMbgBIrya:génPynþrayEdlRkumh‘unFanara:b;rgGacecjR)ak;sg (The two main types of risks for the carriage of goods by sea.) PynþraytampøÚvsmuRT³ (Marine risks) eRKaHfñak;smuRT GMeBIbøn;tamsmuRT GKÁIP½y ecarkmµ ehIynigkarRbRBwtþminl¥énRkumnavik rbs;navaenaH. (Perils of the sea, piracy, fire, theft and serious misconduct by the ship’s crew.) PynþraytampøÚvsmuRT (War risks) CemøaHGnþrCati nigCemøaHsIuvIl karbHe)ar b¤ kubkmµ b¤k¾karrwbGUsykedayrdæaPi)al. International and civil conflicts, rebellions, riots, and seizure by government.

4> ÉksarFanar:ab;rg (Insurance Documents) 2> xEcgénRKwHsßanFanara:b;rgnavaP½NÐ (The Institute Cargo Clause) ICC xFanara:b;rg k ³ ecjR)ak;sgcMeBaHP½yynþrayRbePTTUlMTUlay (CLAUSE A : covers the broadest set of risks) xFanara:b;rg x ³ ecjR)ak;sgcMeBaHP½yynþraymYycMnYntUc (CLAUSE B : covers a more limited set of risks) xFanara:b;rg K ³ ecjR)ak;sgcMeBaHP½yynþraymYycMnYnkan;EttUcEfmeTot (CLAUSE C : covers an even more limited set of risks.)

sMnYrrMlwkemeronTI 2 (Review Questions of Chapter2) nisSitRtUveFVIkic©kardUcxageRkamedIm,IepÞógpÞat;cMenHdwgrbs;xøÜn³ 1-etIkareFVIBaNiC¢kmµGnþrCatimankarTak;TgGVIxøH? What relations for doing international business? 2-etIGIVCaeKalbMngsMxan;sMrab;kareFVIBaNiC¢kmµGnþrCati? What are the important goals of internat-ional trade? 3-etIkic©snüaBaNiC¢kmµmanlkçN³CaGnþrCatienAeBlNa? When the commercial contracts become international? 4-etIkareFVIkic©snüaBaNiC¢kmµGnþrCatiCYbRbTHnwgbBaðaGVIxøH? cUrBnül;. What problems do the inter-national contracts face ? Explain. 5-etICMelaHelIkic©snüaBaNiC¢kmµGnþrCatiRtUv)anedaHRsayedayrebobNa? How are the disputes of international contracts resolved? 6-etIhaniP½yTak;TgnwgkardwkCBa¢ÚnmanGVIxøH? etIeKedaHRsayy:agNa? What risk related to shipping? How are the risks resolved? 7-etIeKalkarN_Fanar:ab;rgmany:agNaxøHcMeBaHGñkTij? What are the insurance policies for policyholders?