We will have una prueba ORAL QUIZ Los Colores We will have una prueba ORAL QUIZ the week of October 3, 2011. Your child’s handout will tell you how many colors and phrases your child will need to memorize for the quiz on the week of October 3, 2011.
Colores Colores game: This is a good website to practice your Colores http://www.spanishspanish.com/colors/colors_beetles.html Another website to practice your Colores http://www.learn4good.com/kids/learning_spanish_online/interactive_flash_lessons_for_children/color_words.htm Colores game: http://www.angelfire.com/de/cuento/color/inter/inter03.html#
Essential Question: ¿Qué color es? / What color is it? Es… / It’s… We will have una prueba ORAL QUIZ the week of October 3, 2011. Your child’s handout will tell you how many colors and phrases your child will need to memorize for the quiz on the week of October 3, 2011.