CLASS TWO: Tenets of the Faith
Tenet Defined: An article of faith; A religious principle; A statement of doctrine; An established fundamental belief.
The Faith The doctrine (teachings) The sum of truth revealed by God Reference: Jude 3
The Source of the Faith Although we speak of our doctrine (faith) as the Apostolic doctrine, it did not originate with the Apostles! The Apostles’ doctrine is from God. Reference: John 17:1, 6-8
The Significance of . . . “What” one believes “How” one believes In “whom” one believes References: John 3:15-18, Believe in Him John 7:38, Believe as scripture has said John 8:24, Believe not, die in your sins John 20:31, Believing . . . Life in His name Acts 10:43, Believe in him . . .remission of sins Romans 4:24, Believe in Jesus I John 5:13, Believe name of Son Note: “Wider Mercy” Doctrine
Tenets of the Apostolic Faith The Infallibility of Scripture The Virgin Birth The Deity of Christ The Atoning Blood of Jesus Christ
Tenets (continued) Faith and Repentance Toward God Water Baptism The Holy Ghost Sanctification, Consecration and Godliness Holy Communion
Tenets (continued) Giving The Resurrection/Rapture of the Saints Eternal Judgement
The Infallibility of Scripture
The Bible Is the Bible “fact” or “fiction?” Can we believe its every word? Is it relevant to today’s challenges?
The Infallibility of Scripture The Bible - The Believer’s Authoritative Source The importance of believing that the Bible is the “inspired, “infallible” Word of God The validity of ALL of God’s Word, beginning with Genesis 1:1 The Oneness of God and His Word!
The Virgin Birth Was Jesus really born of a virgin? Can we believe the biblical account? What about the on-going controversy surrounding Jesus’ birth?
The Virgin Birth (continued) The significance of the Virgin Birth The importance of accepting “as fact” the Virgin Birth Implications of not accepting “as fact” the Virgin Birth
The Deity of Jesus Christ The Oneness of the Godhead Jesus the Christ (Anointed flesh of God) The significance of our belief in the Deity of Christ
The Atoning Blood of Jesus The significance of blood in the atonement of sin The nature of blood required for atonement The atoning blood of Jesus Christ
Faith and Repentance Toward God What is faith? What is repentance? The roles of faith and repentance in salvation
Faith Believe Trust Confidence
Repentance A change of heart, mind, and attitude toward God and toward sin. Repentance requires “thinking” differently afterward (after repenting). Repentance includes admission of guilt and resolve not to repeat the offense.
What roles do faith and repentance play in our salvation? What role does faith play? What role does repentance play?
Water Baptism What saith the Scriptures? Its significance Its mode The significance of the Name of Jesus
The Holy Ghost The Holy Ghost defined The importance of receiving the Holy Ghost The importance of being filled with the Holy Ghost
Sanctification, Consecration, and Godliness Sanctification: The state or process of being set apart. Consecration: Solemn dedication to a special purpose or service. Godliness: Careful observance of, or conformity to the laws of God.
Holy Communion What is it? What is its purpose? How should it be observed? When should it be observed?
Giving Types of giving tithe free-will offering The nature of giving willingly liberally progressively sacrificially The blessings of giving to the giver to the kingdom
The Resurrection of the Saints What is being said? What do you say? What saith the Scriptures?
The Resurrection of the Saints What does the Word of God communicate regarding the resurrection of the saints?
The Resurrection of the Saints In order to have communication there must be a “transmitter” and a “receiver.” The Word of God speaks and is therefore the “transmitter” and we listen and are therefore the “receivers.”
Effective Communication There can be no effective or meaningful communication unless and until the listener understands what the speaker meant in light of what he said.
The Resurrection of the Saints What Saith the Scriptures? I Corinthians 15:1-20 The occasion of this writing: The Apostle Paul writes to refute the “false teaching” that is no resurrection of the dead. The central theme: The chapter’s central theme is the resurrection of the saints (see verse 12).
What Saith the Scriptures? I Corinthians 15 (continued) Discovering truth (moving from the known to the unknown). The Apostle Paul uses the resurrection of Jesus (which the saints generally accepted) as vindication of the resurrection of the saints (which was being disputed). See verses 1-8
What Saith the Scriptures? I Corinthians 15 (continued) The implications of the resurrection of Jesus Christ (vs. 20-23) Paul’s conclusion (vs. 12-19) My conclusion There will be a bodily/physical resurrection of the saints. What’s your conclusion?
What Saith the Scriptures? I Thessalonians 4:13-18 What is the issue concerning the resurrection of the saints in this text? What hope does the Apostle Paul offer? What comfort does the Apostle Paul offer saints who had loved ones who died in Christ. Does this text offer you comfort and hope?
What Saith the Scriptures? I Thessalonians 4:13-18 (continued) The Issue Sorrowing over saints that had fallen asleep in Jesus (vs. 13) The hope the Apostle Paul offers (vs. 14-17) Paul’s instruction of comforting one another (vs. 18) What hope do we have if the resurrection has already passed? What comfort can we offer saints whose loved ones died in Jesus if there is no resurrection of the dead?
Eternal Judgement “Someone once described the judgement not as a time when God decided to accept or reject us, but as the time when God finalizes our choice of whether or not we have truly accepted or rejected Him.”
Final Judgement (continued) Eternity only has two addresses: life (in heaven) and damnation (in the lake of fire). Wherever one ends up, he will live there forever -- either in eternal peace or in eternal torment. See Daniel 12:2 & John 5:28
The End! It almost time to go. However, before we do, are there any final questions and/or comments?