Pop Art portrays things from popular culture Pop Art portrays things from popular culture. That’s why it’s called Pop Art Pop Art began in the 1950s, but became very popular in the 1960s. It started in the United Kingdom, but became a true art movement in New York City with artists like Andy Warhol and Jasper Johns. pOP aRT
rOY LICHTENSTEIN Roy Lichtenstein was born in 1923 in New York. He went to a high school that did not offer art classes but he liked to draw and did so in his free time. After high school, Lichtenstein went to Ohio State University where he earned a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in fine art. rOY LICHTENSTEIN
In 1961, Lichtenstein created his first Pop Art painting. He liked the way commercial art looked and he liked the sharp, black outlines in comic book art.
Thick, Horizontal Stripes. Benday Dots. Benday Dots were originally used for printing pictures inexpensively. You’ll notice that the faces of the people in many of his paintings are made up of Benday Dots.
He drew inspiration from cartoons, newspapers, advertisements, and things he saw in real life (like his art studio). He used this inspiration to create enormous paintings as well as sculptures. Lichtenstein died in 1997.
oNOMATOPOEIA the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named (e.g., cuckoo, sizzle ).
argh achoo ahem bang bash bam bark bawl beep belch blab blare blurt boing boink bonk bong boo boo-hoo boom bow-wow brring bubble bump burp buzz cackle chatter cheep chirp chomp choo-choo chortle clang clash clank clap clatter click clink clip clop cluck clunk cock a doodle doo cough crackle creak croak crunch cuckoo ding ding dong drip fizz flick flip flip-flop flop flutter giggle glug groan growl grunt guffaw gurgle hack hack hiccup hiss hohoho honk hoot howl huh hum jangle jingle ker-ching kerplunk knock la meow moan moo mumble munch murmur mutter neigh oink ouch ooze phew ping pitter patter plink plop pluck plunk poof pong pop pow purr quack rattle ribbit ring rip roar rumble rush rustle screech shuffle shush sizzle slap slash slither slurp smack snap snarl sniff snip snore snort splash splat splatter splish splosh squawk squeak squelch squish swoosh thud thump thwack tic-toc tinkle trickle twang tweet ugh vroom waffle whack whallop wham whimper whip whirr whish whisper whizz whoop whoosh woof yelp yikes zap zing zip zoom