EEA planned assessment on chemicals in surface waters


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Presentation transcript:

EEA planned assessment on chemicals in surface waters Interested in people’s awareness and use of our products. Considering future products so group’s feedback helpful in informing us of needs, also if something is not useful or needs improving NB CW to check – CAN WE PUBLISH COUNTRY COMPARISONS UNDER UWWTD?

Outline Monitoring chemicals under WFD is key feedback into EU chemicals source control legislation What does RBMP2 reporting tell us about chemicals in surface waters at EU scale? Task being led by Volker Mohaupt (UBAD) with UFZ, Deltares and OIEau. Starting late spring, bulk of work summer 2017 to spring 2018.

Aim of work Building on “State of Water” for WFD, this assessment to contribute to WFD review. Sources and pressures for chemical status and river basin specific pollutants, Chemical status and ecological status of river basin specific pollutants in surface waters Examine relationships in the data between ecological status and chemical status Conclusions for the policy context

Intention to return to WG Chemicals for discussion on findings Looking forwards Request for reviewers – expertise in WG Chemicals relevant to the assessment Intention to return to WG Chemicals for discussion on findings Request for suitable case studies and relevant projects, especially from newer Member States Email