EEA contributions to implementation of BD2020 Strategy 2016 - 2019 11th MAES Working Group Meeting 08 March 2016 EEA contributions to implementation of BD2020 Strategy 2016 - 2019 Markus Erhard European Environment Agency (EEA)
Achievements: Synthesis Mapping and assessing the condition of Europe’s ecosystems: Progress and challenges First results of applying MAES analytical framework and outline of advantages and constraints of European ecosystem assessments. Overview about existing knowledge and gaps in ecosystem condition assessment at European level. Opportunities to use the status data reported under environmental directives and links to main pressures on European ecosystems. 8 short assessments of ecosystem condition and trends for the MAES ecosystem types, including urban Knowledge base for the deployment of Green Infrastructure and the restoration of degraded ecosystems. Links to ecosystem service assessment and ecosystem capital accounting. Methodology for the assessment of ecosystem service supply.
Ecosystem mapping Towards ecosystem map v3.0 Integration of Copernicus land service and other data Improvements and gap filling e.g. marine Ecosystem change (based on CLC change) Use of EUNIS updates Mapping biodiversity Map ecosystem types for Europe:
Ecosystem mapping – Plant diversity European Vegetation Archive (EVA) How relevant is it for policy? I don't understand the map (no legend), what's the policy message? Source: Chytrý et al., in prep.
Plant diversity and N2000 (work in progress) Figure 15: Hotspots in the Czech Republic (A) and Hotspots Slovakia (B) and The Netherlands (C). Based on 250x250 random sampled grids in Natura2000 sites, in a 500 m buffer zone, and outside Natura2000 sites Source: Hennekens et al., in prep. The zone surrounding N2000 areas have a higher proportion of biodiversity
Improving the knowledge base Ecosystem assessment Improving the knowledge base Thematic assessments: urban (2016) forest (March 2016) agriculture (Sep 2016) marine (case study 2018) green infrastructure (2016-2017) Data and information integration Directives HD/BD, WFD, MSFD etc. Uptake from MS assessments Statistical data, thematic assessments… SEBI and other indicators Research (Esmeralda, OPERAs, OpenNESS, …)
Components of SEEA-EEA to be developed under KIP-INCA Accounting Components of SEEA-EEA to be developed under KIP-INCA Knowledge Innovation Project on Integrated System for Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services Accounting in the EU KIP-INCA, 2015
Integrated Assessment Functional relationships between (multiple) pressures and ecosystem condition (habitat quality and biodiversity) BIOSCORE and literature review Functional relationships between ecosystem condition and ecosystem service supply ES-ESS factsheets Restoration targets e.g. biodiversity of abandoned land Courtesy: JRC, 2015
Capacity of European ecosystems to support pollination service (woodlands + farmland) - work in progress Alpine, boreal, and Mediterranean would provide most pollination service if their condition would be adequate ETC/ULS, work in progress
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