Safe Staffing Report – March 2019 Safe Staffing (NQB) Safe Staffing Report – March 2019 Author: N Sinden – Lead Nurse for Workforce
Safe Staffing Report Safe Staffing (NQB) Where we want to be: targets and benchmarks Target: Planned staffing levels are 100%, planned skill mix 70% RN:30% HCSW ratio Current Performance Month 12 analysis indicates that overall staffing levels increased from 92.2% to 92.4% against plan. The RN:HCSW skill mix decreased to 62.2% for Registered Nurses, increased to 37.8% for HCSW. Influencing Factors Continued challenge with RN vacancy position and temporary fill to mitigate this. Actions in Response 52 International Nurses have started in the Trust Q4 (18/19). 27 commenced in Apr 19 with a target of a further 73 to start in Q1 (19/20) 100% OSCE pass rate 35 Newly Qualified RN’s have received offers for Sep 2019 with continued recruitment Tender process complete for International recruitment 2019/20 and 2020/21 First Nursing Associates have graduated (7) Author: N Sinden – Lead Nurse for Workforce
Care Hours Per Patient Day Programme (CHPPD) Safe Staffing (NQB) Care Hours Per Patient Day Programme (CHPPD) Care Hours per Patient Day In order to provide a consistent method by which to record and report the deployment of staff working on patient wards/units, the Care Hours Per Patient Day (CHPPD) methodology is applied. CHPPD totals the number of RN and HCSW hours provided to a particular ward, across a 24 hour period, and divides this total by the midnight bed occupancy figures for that same ward. CHPPD reporting delineates between RN and HCSW hours, thereby confirming skill mixes. Reports illustrate how many care hours each patient received either from an RN or HCSW within 24 hour periods over the course of a month. Current Analysis Data collated during Month 12 indicate that overall CHPPD is 4.5 hours for RNs and 2.7 for HCSWs for PHT. Over the previous 24 months, RN CHPPD has tracked marginally below the planned level, whilst for HCSWs, the planned level has been exceeded. There has been an increase in midnight bed occupancy during January hence the drop in CHPPDD for both RN and HCSW despite maintaining percentage fill rates. Author: E Khor – Workforce Information Manager, Executive Lead Nicole Cornelius – Director of Workforce and Organisational Development