Management of farmland in Natura 2000 Ideas for a first outline GUIDANCE DOCUMENT Ideas for a first outline 2nd meeting of the expert Sub-Group 3 october 2011
Guidance document on management of Farmland & Natura 2000 TARGET AUDIENCE Main actors involved in decision making about management of farmland in Natura 2000, e.g. farmers and landowners associations, agricultural groups and unions, nature conservation advisors and site managers. People involved in designing, advising and implementing agricultural measures and programmes Support MS/regions in the elaboration of new or improved sets of Natura 2000 conservation oriented measures under the CAP for the new programming period 2014-2020.
Guidance document on management of Farmland & Natura 2000 OVERVIEW OF MAIN CONTENTS The relationship between Natura 2000 sites and agriculture/farmland Management of farmland in Natura 2000 sites Instruments that can be used to deliver suitable measures for the conservation of habitats and species of EU interest How to improve efficiency and efffectiveness Looking to the future (policy, measures, improvements….)
Guidance document on management of Farmland & Natura 2000 PROPOSED CONTENTS (1) The relationship between Natura 2000 sites and agriculture/farmland Extent and importance of farmland in Natura 2000 sites. Agricultural habitats and species that depend on agricultural management. Main pressures and threats for key agri species & habitats and their requirements in relation to agricultural management. Key issues and challenges related to agriculture management and the conservation of habitats and species. Agricultural trends and drivers. Main types of agricultural systems in the EU and key agricultural practices that may contribute to improving the conservation status of species and habitats of EU interest.
Guidance document on management of Farmland & Natura 2000 PROPOSED CONTENTS (2) Management of farmland in Natura 2000 sites Natura 2000 management: setting conservation objectives and designing conservation measures in Natura 2000 sites. Achieving favourable conservation status for habitats and species. Strategic approaches. Management of possible conflicts between conservation requirements of different species and habitats. Main types of management approaches needed in different agricultural conditions (e.g. abandonment of labour intensive natural and semi natural meadows requires very different approach to that required in areas of intense agriculture). Participation/involvement of farmers and stakeholders. Integrated management approach. Dealing with possible conflicts and looking for synergies with other land uses or use of natural resources.
Guidance document on management of Farmland & Natura 2000 PROPOSED CONTENTS (3) Instruments that can be used to deliver suitable measures for the conservation of habitats and species of EU interest Opportunities under EU funds: e.g. GAEC standards under CAP cross-compliance regulations, agri-environment schemes, Natura payments, non productive investments, Nitrates Directive, WFD requirements, ERDF… Other instruments: e.g. market based approaches, accreditation schemes, labeling, payments for ecosystems services, etc. Experiences and lessons learnt from the use of such instruments: successes, failures, main gaps and shortcomings to be addressed in the future.
Guidance document on management of Farmland & Natura 2000 PROPOSED CONTENTS (4) How to use more efficiently the appropriate instruments for the implementation of key measures. The Prioritized Action framework. Strategic approaches. Establishing appropriate targets. Efficient implementation. Effective monitoring and evaluation. Best practice experience in the use of EU funds to deliver conservation measures in agricultural management. Identification of main constraints, difficulties, obstacles, and possible ways to address them. Other possible instruments: market based approaches, labels and accreditation schemes, payments for ecosystems services, etc. Best practice examples.
Guidance document on management of Farmland & Natura 2000 PROPOSED CONTENTS (5) Future needs and other recommendations Future policy needs and specific measures. Enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of measures. How to use Natura 2000 in benefit for the area and the local communities (e.g. spin offs for tourism, local products, etc…). How to publicize the positive role of agriculture in Natura 2000.
Guidance document on management of Farmland & Natura 2000 Annexes Case studies Overview of EU funds that can used deliver conservation measures in Natura 2000 farmland (CAP, LIFE, ERDF…). Summary results and key findings. Information about other possible instruments.
Guidance document on management of Farmland & Natura 2000 OVERALL APPROACH AND KEY MESSAGES Not only guide on how to manage farmland in Natura 2000 sites to contribute to achieve their conservation objectives, but also to improve relationships among farmers and stakeholders in Natura 2000 to achieve integrated management. The positive contribution of agricultural practices to nature conservation should be stressed and illustrated through best practice examples (e.g. with summary case studies in boxes)..
Guidance document on management of Farmland & Natura 2000 Your Suggestions … THANK YOU