Performance, Applications, Security Introduction to the PAS Lab, 2007 Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering National Taiwan University Performance, Applications, Security
Fun is to explore interesting ideas and prove them via experiments. The PAS Lab is all about learning and improving computer systems. Fun is to explore interesting ideas and prove them via experiments. Here, you can improve the world, one computer at a time!
Computing technology is evolving. Computers are not born equal Computing technology is evolving. Computers are not born equal. They are complex. But computers are interesting if you know what are inside of them. Best computers to run desired apps. Design futuristic computer systems. May the force be with you.
Develop the idea Improvise the design Evaluate the product Open the door, and we will show you how to do practical research. It is good to Have an idea Have a design Have a product It is better to Develop the idea Improvise the design Evaluate the product
Knowledge gives you the power to think, to design, or to build a system differently. Computer Architecture Performance Optimization I/O and Device Drivers Embedded Computing Parallel Processing HW-SW Co-design System-on-Chips
Analyze performance problems like a computer doctor. Computers are like human, Every computer has body and soul and serve a purpose. Analyze performance problems like a computer doctor. Maximize computer performance like a Formula 1 racer. Hardware is body; Software is soul. Unified, Coherent, Optimized.
Look at hardware. Look at software. Lots of things to learn Look at hardware. Look at software. Lots of things to learn. Hard work brings fun. No bounds. No limits. Lots of ideas are there. Experiments bring the verdicts. At the end of day, you put everything together in a system; you know what practical research means.