A2 Classical Civilisation How to succeed in the exam (but really, only birds succeed)
Topics covered for both Emperors Life before becoming Emperor Accession Relationship with Senate Admin of Rome and public finances Foreign Policy Influence and importance of others Succession Emperors as individuals
Must also consider... How have the writers have viewed each of these topics?
What and how to use... Tacitus Suetonius Orator + Senator Fascinated by Republic Similar to Sallust rather than Livy as historian (disgruntled) Concerned with political history Adept at making an effective point (damning asides) Consistent in his views? Or wanting to show range of human behaviour Historian and Equestrian order Similar to Pliny in writing style Far more anecdotal (story like) in 12 Caesers Portrays Tib. and Claud. by character traits. Set formula to his work: descriptions of appearance, omens, family history, quotes, and then a history Don’t get drawn into using just Tacitus for Tib. And Suetonius for Claudius
Layout of exam Firstly...make the correct choices Small passage to read that will be an indicator for questions 5 marks – Basic facts 10 marks – Based on significance of an issue, person or theme. (No Tacitus / Suet.) 20 marks – Judgement question with for and against argument. T and S use to illustrate points. 40 marks – statement given – argument needed with total use of T and S to show how sources affect judgement
How to use the writers... In reference to Tacitus... According to Suetonius... The writers deal with this issue by... Summed up by the writings of... Both writers address the issue of... Both writers agree that... Reference Comparison Concluding
Key themes, questions and issues Areas to expand your revision!
Questions What were Claudius’ and Tiberius’ major achievements for Rome and Empire? How far can we view either Tib. or Claud. as the more worthy successor to Aug? How much political and reputational manipulation can we see in their activities? How did either use existing institutions and political roles to validate actions? How important was military success to an emperor’s career and governance of Empire? How did each present his image in Rome and abroad?
Additional Themes The Constitutional basis of the Principate (legal?) Autocracy and freedom of Emperors including Caligula (use him as an alternative to arguments) Relationship between Rome and Provinces Emperor worship – Why did it occur and its effect. Tip: Most of these points deal with provinces so its worth while learning the areas that Rome controlled and how they controlled them?
Notes Exam papers Structuring essays Choosing questions Revision strategies??? Notes Exam papers Structuring essays Choosing questions
Good revision strategy is based on quotes So... Find a quote that sums up each emperor for the following topics
Topics covered for both Emperors Life before becoming Emperor Accession Relationship with Senate Admin of Rome and public finances Foreign Policy Influence and importance of others Succession Emperors as individuals
Quotes for the Emperor -Tiberius Life before becoming Emperor Accession Relationship with Senate Admin of Rome and public finances Foreign Policy Influence and importance of others Succession Emperors as individuals ‘new reign’s first crime was the assassination of A. Posthumus’ (T) ‘until I grow so old that you may be good enough to grant me a respite’ (S) ‘no fixed or generally recognised rule of succession within the imperial family’ (T) ‘no hesitation when addressing the senate’ (T) ‘What hard and hazardous work it was to rule the empire’ (T)
Quotes for the emperor Claudius Life before becoming Emperor Accession Relationship with Senate Admin of Rome and public finances Foreign Policy Influence and importance of others Succession Emperors as individuals CAN YOU FIND SUITABLE QUOTES ON CLAUDIUS?