Unit 4 Westward Expansion Project
Get correct computer. Conclude your project today Get correct computer. Conclude your project today! Proofread work (type in google docs to spell/grammar check) then copy & paste) Example MOUNTAIN MEN: HISTORY ALIVE “The routes they pioneered across mountains and deserts became the Oregon and California Trails.” SEARCH: HOW MANY PIONEERS TRAVELED THE OREGON TRAILS DURING THE WESTWARD EXAPNSION? “trading posts turned into supply stations” for settlers” HOW MUCH DID SUPPLY STATIONS MARK UP THEIR PRICES DURING THE WESTWARD EXPANSION ON THE CALI TRAIL? ARE THERE ANY BUSINESSES OF TODAY THAT STARTED DURING THE WESTWARD EXPANSION CALI TRAIL? RUBRIC: 4 STRONG REASONS WHY 16 5 DETAILED HARDSHIPS 20 LEGACIES + OR –’S 16 INTERESTING FACTS 25 72% EYE APPEALING 12 WRITING 11 (SPELLING, CAPS, PUNCTUATION)
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