January 16, 2018 Warm-Up: Speed worksheet Take out lab sheet from Friday – work on finishing graph after warm up Take out GIZMO if not turned in – will be collected shortly HOMEWORK: USA Test Prep Speed & Acceleration Practice due Friday. Quiz on speed on Thursday – see blog for info.
Today’s Agenda Warm up worksheet Finish speed lab graphs from Friday Calculate AVERAGE SPEED for all 4 graphs – put that on the graph along with a key (average speed = total distance/total time) Complete displacement activity – turn in when complete Read The Martian if you finish all work before class is over
Speed Lab I need volunteers: 10 people who don’t mind using their phone as a stop watch (and know how to do this) 10 people to record time data 4 people to walk
Procedure Each timer will stand at 1 meter intervals Everyone starts their stopwatch when I say go The walker starts walking Walker 1: 10 meters, constant pace Walker 2: 10 meters, increasing speed Walker 3: 5 meters, constant pace; 5 sec rest; 5 meters, constant speed Walker 4: 5 meters, constant pace; 5 sec rest; return to start Stop your timer as the walker passes Recorders will record the time
3rd Period – don’t forget a key & to calculate average speed for all 4 lines 1m 2m 3m 4m 5m 1) 1.54 2.2 3.74 4.22 6.71* 2) 0.98 1.3 1.72 2.08 2.26 3) 1.47 1.9 3.03 3.92 4.98 (5 sec stop) 4) 1.89 2.76 3.72 4.45 5.37 (5 sec stop) 6m 7m 8m 9m 10 m 1) 6.6 7.55 8.82 9.56 11.29 2) 3.08 3.43 3.44 5.51* 4.32 3) 11.85 12.6 12.96 14.71 15.28 4) *5m – 10.86 *4m – 12.17 *3m – 13.20 *2m – 14.24 * 1m – 15.26
4th Period - don’t forget a key & to calculate average speed for all 4 lines 1m 2m 3m 4m 5m 1) 1.10 2.01 3.51 3.55 3.96 2) 1.17 2.18 2.70 3.46* 3.23 3) 1.18 2.00 3.18 4.03 4.46 (5 sec stop) 4) 0.78 1.40 2.15 3.96* 3.52 (5 sec stop) 6m 7m 8m 9m 10 m 1) 5.10 5.67 6.15 7.50 8.38 2) 3.74 4.40 4.45 5.17 5.56 3) 12.34 12.52 13.26 15.99* 15.30 4) * 5m – 5.71* *4m – 11.75 *3m – 12.49 *2m – 13.37 *1m – 14.83
5th Period - don’t forget a key & to calculate average speed for all 4 lines 1m 2m 3m 4m 5m 1) 0.80 1.78 2.66 3.21 4.02 2) 0.53 1.11 1.42 1.98 2.21 3) 1.23 1.60 2.48 3.27 4.43 (5 sec stop) 4) 1.23 2.03 2.71 3.80 4.33 (5 sec stop) 6m 7m 8m 9m 10 m 1) 4.94 5.37 6.27 6.86 7.70 2) 2.84 3.23 3.77 3.90 4.50 3) 13.80* 12.67 13.31 14.00 15.60 4) * 5m – 11.20 *4m – 11.56 *3m – 12.97 *2m – 13.73 *1m – 14.29
6th Period - don’t forget a key & to calculate average speed for all 4 lines 1m 2m 3m 4m 5m 1) 0.93 1.50 1.82 2.89 3.69 2) 1.28 1.85 1.72 2.86 3.31 3) 1.16 2.33 2.42 3.44 4.49 (5 sec stop) 4) 1.26 2.28 2.68 3.66 5.21 (5 sec stop) 6m 7m 8m 9m 10 m 1) 3.99 4.46 5.18 6.14 7.42 2) 3.33 3.58 4.13* 4.09* 3) 11.33 12.07 12.82 13.83 14.28 4) * 5m – 11.72 *4m – 11.91 *3m – 12.76 *2m – 13.75 *1m – 14.42
January 11, 2018 - Agenda Go to blog (www.cobblearning.net/mrsquenan) & see THURSDAY – all links are there! Nearpod is for reference Explorelearning.com is for the GIZMO and this is for a grade Quizizz is for when you are done w/the GIZMO and is for fun Quizlet is for practice if you are done with everything else! HOMEWORK: Finish incomplete work. Read/notes/review chapter 5, sections 2 & 3. DEADLINE for USA Test Prep is tomorrow. Remind: text @hspsquenan ~or~ @acsci to 81010 for messages!
After completing the GIZMO You should be able to: Know what goes on the X & Y- axis Know what motion a positive slope indicates Know what motion a negative slope indicates Know what changes in slope mean for motion Y – Axis = Distance X-axis = Time