Charley, Hayley, Lily, Meghan Social Media Charley, Hayley, Lily, Meghan
Instagram Instagram is an social media, that is used to share your own videos and photos. It was released in October 6th 2010. It was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. Instagram has become very popular, in 2013 it grey by 23%, where as the parent company, Facebook, only grew by 3%. Within 2014 Instagram has 300 million users. You can get Instagram, through iPhones, Androids or computers/laptops. It’s a world wide app, and is available in 25 languages. It allows people to share what they’re doing in their lives and well as showing of the photographic skills they may own. Instagram supplies it’s users with effects, so they can enjoy making their photos their own, art work. Instagram is also used for people to sell things. For example celebrities uses Instagram a lot to sell and advertise their products.
Survey We took a class survey to discover which social media platform was the most popular and why. Instagram – more than one person said it’s interesting, photo’s aren’t random, like they are on Facebook. As well as, it being easy to use. Facebook – this was the second most popular, as they said it’s easier to contact people and too ‘stalk’ people. Snap Chat – this landed in third place. Comments suggested it’s funnier to use, by talking whilst sending images/videos. Twitter – this only received one vote. The person said they find it easier to use/contact people, than Facebook. When asking our class mates whether they thought social media was useful. All said yes. For the common reasons of contacting people and expressing themselves. Social Media Tally Frequency Facebook III 3 Instagram IIIII III 8 Twitter I 1 Snap Chat II 2 Our survey, shows that Instagram, is the most popular use of social media.
Image References What I Learnt? What I Learnt? For this task I worked in a group. We all individually gathered information to place into one giant PowerPoint. I learnt that social media has a massive impact on our culture and generation. Everyone uses it, more so Instagram than the rest. I learnt that this use of media has the most impact.