Health and Wellbeing Outdoor Learning at St. Mary’s RC Primary School Sharing Our Learning with Parents. June 8th 2018
Outdoor Learning Greenspace Outdoor Learning… Why? Outdoor Learning Greenspace
Our Journey So Far… New resources bought. P5 John Muir Award. New teaching and learning document produced for staff. Improved partnerships within the local area. New garden area identified within school grounds. Residential experience offered to P7. Staff training. Funding Applications.
Class Visits We would really appreciate your feedback on what you observe today so that we can continue to grow and improve. Please complete an evaluation form and return at the end of the session. Thank you for your continued support. (P.S. We would love some volunteers to help with our school garden project e.g. watering plants over summer break – please see me if you can support in any way).
Lost Property/West Calder Uniforms Please have a look through clothes and take if you recognise as your child’s. Sample sizes for West Calder High School Uniforms.