4th Quality Conference Update Johanna Nurmi
Preparations update 1/3 The whole programme including the speakers is confirmed No changes in keynote speakers. Two changes in agora speakers. Most of the names of the Best Practice presenters are confirmed. The CAF Centre activities are well on the way in co-operation with EIPA and the Member States
Preparation update 2/3 Travel and accommodation arrangements are being made for the keynote and agora speakers. Most of the Best Practice presenters are confirmed, information missing from around 10 cases. not all the speakers confirmed have yet registered for the conference. The list of agora facilitators is finalized The list of workshop facilitators is about to be finalized
Preparation update 3/3 Registration for the conference approximately 670 people have registered so far lists per country have been distributed to the members of IPSG. All the IPSG-members and DGs should also confirm their participation by completing the registration on the website by using their personal access key sent by e-mail. Best Practice speakers should register for the conference on the website by selecting “BP presenter” when choosing the category. Also all the agora-speakers have been provided with the access key for them to be able to select other sessions they would like to attend.
4QC –gathering information Best Practices Descriptions on the website A publication for participants At the website after 4QC Key notes Material at the website after 4QC Agoras The presentations at the website
Further use of the material from the Agoras A draft report will be written from all agoras by Finnish MoF Comments and viewpoints to the drafts by other participants A net publication later at the 4QC site
Stands at the 4QC National Stands: The deadline for reserving National Stands was the end of June. 18 member states have reserved a stand. 5 organisational stands have been reserved. Further information on stands will be provided for those who have reserved a stand.
Stands at the 4QC
4QC evaluation The Independent report of the Scientific Rapporteurs Satisfaction Survey of Conference Participants Feedback from the IPSG and BP presenters Impact evaluation during the Portuguese presidency 2007
Further Marketing Further marketing the conference distributing the printed programme distributing the 4QC newsletter Promoting the website www.4qconference.org
www.4qconference.org info@4qconference.org