Welcome Back Class of 2017
Locker Time Entering the Building Walk in one quiet and straight line 304 Start of the Year Classroom Rules, Procedures, and Expectations Entering the Building Walk in one quiet and straight line Go straight to your locker Hats off, ear buds out Do not hang over banisters Cell phone policy Locker Time 5 Minutes- tardy in not in seat after this time Dress code… Bathroom Time- Not allowed during class Use inside voices Keep locker clean Pick a good locker partner Don’t use tape, only magnets
Everyday Homeroom Procedures Sit at your assigned seat Listen quietly to morning announcements Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Turn in any forms/permission slips When dismissed exit from the back door Turn in supplies for homeroom - Tissues, Paper Towels, and Wet Wipes
General Rules Classroom Set UP If there is no teacher in the room, you must wait outside You may not enter the room without a teacher present Enter the classroom through the front door Exit the classroom through the back door Check if you do not follow procedures Classroom Set UP Library Computers Teacher’s Desk Supplies
Locker Assignments Pick a GOOD locker partner (16-35 are for room 304) Discuss with Partner: How to organize the locker Who will purchase the lock-mandatory! What shelf each partner will use All lockers must be locked at all times The sale of locks will take place tomorrow Remember this will be your partner for the WHOLE year
Agendas Pass out agendas Write your name on the inside cover Write my teacher information in it aewengren1@cps.edu syhagy@cps.edu mgjohnson3@cps.edu iipfest@cps.edu nmagaton@cps.edu Select a homework buddy Write your homework buddy’s info in agenda Name Phone number Email
Lunch Procedures 5 Minute Mark Sit in assigned seat Get your lunch from locker if you brought it from home Get your lunch from front of room if you get a school lunch Use inside voices 5 Minute Mark When finished eating throw away all garbage Use a wet wipe to clean of desk Go to locker and put away all lunch material Get supplies for afternoon classes Line up in the back of the room
Dress Code Brush and floss your teeth Use deodorant Blue or Black Bottoms Denim Shorts below the knee Leggings can be worn only with a skirt of appropriate length Blue or White Tops NO Mid-drifts NO Spaghetti Straps NO Low Neck Lines
Checklist System F= Food/Gum T= Talking P= Out of place A= Attitude/ Disrespect S= Safety violation/ harming others or school property N= Not prepared for class L=Late for class without permission U= Out of uniform D= Does not follow directions C= Cheating
Checklist System Consequence Number of checks per week Consequence 2 Student/ teacher conference. 4 Parent/ guardian notified via phone call home by homeroom teacher. 5 Lunch detention / parent notification. 6+ Conference with parent, teacher(s), student, and or administration- consequence to be determined at conference. Students who demonstrate seriously disruptive behavior will be sent directly to the office.
Checklist System Chronic and /or severe behavior will result in a check on the quarterly report card. This can affect student eligibility for honor roll status, participation in field trips and in extra curricular activities. On the first day of each week all students start out with zero checks (M-F). Neither sexual harassment, cell phone use nor bullying will be tolerated-cell phones must be off and in lockers! Parent will be informed when a lunch detention has been issued and student will be required to eat lunch in a separate supervised room. Student will receive detention date within five school days. There will be no after- school or recess detention. Read Student Code of Conduct and sign
End of Day Procedures Your last teacher will dismiss you Bus students may go to their bus as soon as possible Go to locker during lunch Use inside voice Exit the building quietly Wait at the bottom of the stairs until the bell rings or behind a class(if you are not the first ones down) You may use your cellphone outside of the building Be safe and responsible on your journey home
Forms to Sign and Return by Tomorrow Fire Drill Line up quietly in the back of the room The last student must close the door once everyone is out of the room Walk quietly down the stairs and out the North doors Stay quiet and in line once outside Listen and follow all given directions Request for Emergency and Health Form CPS Fee Waiver Form Student Code of Conduct Form School Based Oral Health Program Form Checklist System Form Forms to Sign and Return by Tomorrow
Class Jobs Morning Lunch Count Paper Passer Lunch Provider Fill out the breakfast/lunch form every morning Paper Passer Pass out all paperwork to students Lunch Provider Prepare all the school lunches for students Chair Supervisor Make sure all chairs are on the tables at the end of the day End of Day Room Inspector Turn off the lights and verify that all students have left the room at the end of the day