Agenda Mrs. Meisten Overview of Middle School The Registration Process 6th Grade Teachers Welcome to Middle School Expectations Related Arts Teachers
Middle School Team Concept The middle school team concept was developed as a way to ensure that students needs are being met. 6th grade teachers share common planning time. They meet to discuss curriculum, coordinate due dates of projects, tests and quizzes and discuss student concerns or issues. Parent conferences are usually held with the 6th grade team of teachers to ensure consistency
MIDDLE SCHOOL DAY School day is 8:00-2:45. Students should arrive by 7:45 to have time at their lockers. If students arrive before 7:45 they will hold in the gym. Students may still eat breakfast in the cafeteria Students not seated in their first period class by the 8:00 bell will be marked tardy. Students have 3-5 minutes to travel between classes. Students have set times for locker breaks throughout the day.
MIDDLE SCHOOL DAY The day is broken into 7 class periods. Each class lasts 50 minutes. Attendance is taken in every class. 4 class periods of core academics - Science, Social Studies, Math, and English. 2 class periods of related arts - these classes will switch after the first semester (first half of the year). Band and Strings classes meet for the whole year. 1 class period of Project Time.
PROJECT TIME This class was created as a way to help 6th grade students make a successful transition to middle school. During this class, students work on organization skills, strategies for studying, complete enrichment activities, hear from guest speakers, and receive additional help from the core academic teachers. All teachers have project time at the same time of the day so that students can be flexibly grouped.
Communication Planners Record Homework Maintain School- Home Communication Hall Pass Moodle Students will enroll in each teacher’s class Check Moodle on a daily basis Email Send us updates when contact information changes
Dress Code -Skirts and shorts should be no shorter than 3-4 inches above the student’s knee -Skirts must still be the appropriate length even when worn over leggings -No spaghetti straps, halter tops or strapless shirts -Tank shirts must be at least 3 finger widths -No holes in jeans above the knee -No athletic shorts for boys -Shorts in PE must still be an appropriate length
Behavior Expectations Students are not allowed to carry backpacks in middle school. They must be stored in their lockers. Cell phone policy is enforced based on Greenville County School guidelines. Students may not have their cell phones out or turned on from the time they enter the building until they are picked up in car rider line. 1st offense- Phone is returned to parent 2nd offense- Phone will be confiscated for 30 days 3rd offense- Phone will be confiscated for 60 days 4th offense- Phone will be confiscated for the remainder of the year
6th Grade Orientation For Students Roll-Up Day In the spring we will have a roll-up day for the 6th grade students. They will meet with the 6th grade teachers to learn about lockers, changing classes, PE, behavior expectations, dress code and all the fun events to come in middle school
Progression of Academic Classes 6th 7th 8th Science Science 6 Science 7 Science 8 Social Studies Social Studies 6 Social Studies 7 SC/US History Math Math 6/7/8 Math 7/8 C.CAlgebra 1H C.C Algebra 1H C.C Geometry H ELA English GT 6 English GT 7 C.C English 1H Spanish Spanish 6: Language & Culture- Optional Spanish 1CP Spanish CP
High School Credits Classes that earn high school credit (7th and 8th Grade) →C.C. Algebra 1 Honors →Spanish 1 College Prep →C.C English 1 Honors →C.C. Geometry Honors →Spanish 2 College Prep →Desktop Publishing 1 Credit
High School Transition We will begin talking with parents in 7th grade about your options for high school. 7th Grade: Parents are invited to a high school fair held at Sterling. You will have an opportunity to speak with representatives from all Greenville County High Schools. 8th Grade: Parents and students are invited to High School Fair. Students will tour high schools. Mrs. Noble, Guidance Counselor, will meet with every 8th grade parent and student to register for high school and complete Individualized Graduation Plans
Registration Form Check name and address and note any changes. If your phone number or email has changed, please include that information. Core Academic Classes are listed on the bottom. All students take the same core classes Related Arts choices are listed on the back
Related Arts Sit down with your child and discuss the related arts classes they are most interested in and then rank the classes from 1-4 with 1 being your first choice. If you would like to be in band or strings mark that as your first choice. Every child takes a semester of PE/Health. Life Fitness is another physical education class that can be taken in addition to PE but will not fulfill the PE/Health requirement.
How Students Are Assigned to Related Arts Classes We always try to honor at least one of the top 2 choices. THERE IS NO ADVANTAGE TO BEING THE FIRST PERSON TO RETURN THE FORM. Since Band and Strings are year long classes, students will be assigned to this class first, which may limit their other choices.
How Registration Works Return the completed registration form to the main office by February 28th. On March 6th Mrs. Noble will bring students to the computer lab to register for classes online. Once your child has registered at school, you will be able to log into the parent portal from home and view/ modify the related arts selections. The only classes you will see online are related arts. Parents can view registration online on March 6th & March 7th .