Dragonwings Chapter 3
Today you will… Generate questions Summarize Make Predictions Analyze characters
Strategies Before: Think-Write-Pair-Share/Foldable During: Reciprocal Teaching After: RAFT Writing
Before: Character Foldable Think-Write-Pair-Share Think about the characters you met yesterday in Dragonwings. Write down what you remember about each character’s appearance, personality, and distinguishing traits. Share with your partner. Be ready to share with the class.
During: Reciprocal Teaching Each person in your group will have a job to perform before, during, or after the reading: Questioner: Generates and answers questions relating to the story. Clarifier: Identifies and clarifies anything that might not make sense (vocabulary, phrases, etc.) and tries to answer posed questions. Summarizer: Writes a short summary of the reading. NO more than 2-3 sentences. Predictor: Predicts what might happen next in the story.
Chunk 1 (I Do)-Teacher Reads p.21-top of p.24 Questioner: Clarifier: Summarizer: Predictor:
Chunk 2 (We Do)-Cloze Procedure p.24-to of p.27
Chunk 3 (Y’all Do-Partner Read) p.27-bottom of p.29
Chunk 4 (You Do) Read Silently pp.29-31
After: RAFT Role: You are Moon Shadow Audience: You are writing to your Mother Format: You are writing a letter Topic: You are writing a letter to your Mother describing America and your Father