Multi-parameter Patient Monitor 12,1 Inch Screen MA512 ECG / Breathing/ Temperature SpO2 / NIBP / CO2 / IBP
12 inch TFT colour screen. Intuitive and easy operation by digital encoder. Elegant and compact appearence , high mechanical rigidity. Built-in handle for easy transport. Fixing for wall brackets , table or rolling. 3 idioms menu. Adult , pediatric and newborn mode. Two kinds visual screen:Waveform mode or Numeric Mode. Programable events alarms visual and sound Tendency of all the parameters for 24 hs. Event report, table format , for 24Hs. EKG, SpO2 ,Breathe , CO2 and two IBP waves represented on the screen.
SpO2 module by BCI (EE.UU.). SpO2 Universal o Clip sensor . NIBP Mode : manual and automátic, with selectable times. Programmable filters. Two temperatures with calculation of differential temperature. CO2 module by BCI (EE.UU). External H2O trap , easily interchengeable. Capnography line and airway adapter of low cost. Two channels of IBP , identified by programmable labels. Calibration of zero and 200 mmHg per channel .
Scale control per channel Invasive Pressure, presenting it in the path Direct access to the Menu, Alarm Silence, Freeze image function, alarms and meassure of NIBP. Printer (optional) Volume and brightness by digital encoder. Date and Time in display. Possibility to identify the monitor . Direct connection to Central Monitoring Multiparameter. 12V DC Input. AC Input 100-240VAC, 50/60Hz. Built-in Rechargeable Battery.
MA512 Graphic Mode Screen
MA512 Numeric Mode Screen
MA512 Tendency Representation Screen
MA512 Menu Screen
MA512 Keyboard detail view and patient input side
MA512 BACK – Source input and signal output.
Patient cable of 3 and 5 wires. Accessories Patient cable of 3 and 5 wires.
Temperature sensor : skin and rectal. Accessories Temperature sensor : skin and rectal.
SpO2 universal sensor in Y and clip. Accessories SpO2 universal sensor in Y and clip.
Accesorios Extensión para NIBP.
NIBP adults and pediátric braceletes. Accessories NIBP adults and pediátric braceletes.
Accessories Capnography Line / Airway / H2O Trap
Accessories IBP extention cable / IBP transducer
Factory Av. Reservistas Argentinos 443 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires – Zip Code (A1408II) Buenos Aires – Argentina