JUDGMENT Final Judgment
Chitragupta – Accountant who measure good/bad deeds of humans Sikhism accepts the theory of Karma: That man is punished or rewarded according to his actions. Man's actions in this world will bear witness at the time of judgment. The messengers of the god of death, Yama, takes the individual to the god of justice, Dharam Raj, who is very strict like a moneylender. The scribes of Chitra and Gupta who have written out the account are called forth to present the balance-sheet of his actions. What does the balance-sheet show? It contains a record of good and evil deeds. The scribe(clerk) of Yama is Chitragupta, who keeps the record of good and bad actions of the mortal. Chitragupta is said to be one person by some, but by others he is spilt into two persons, Chitra and Gupta. One of them records only good deeds and the other only bad deeds. When the mortal is presented before Yama by his messengers (Jaamdoot), the scribes Chitra and Gupta read out both good and bad actions, which are weighted in a balance. If the balance goes against the mortal, he is taken to hell, where he is tortured according to the orders of Yama GOOD BAD Chitragupta – Accountant who measure good/bad deeds of humans
The god of justice cannot be bribed or influenced. He is strict and impartial and exacts a clear account. Certain faiths affirm that their prophets wil plead for their followers in the court of justice. Sikhism does not accept this idea. Man is responsible for his own actions and cannot escape punishment through the intervention of a spiritual leader. Perhaps the Gurus borrowed the old Puranic machinery of Dharam Raj and Chitra Gupta to impress on the minds of people the need for righteous and noble actions. Guru Nanak Dev Ji says: "According to one's action, one gets near to or distant from God
karamee aavai kaparraa nadharee mokh dhuaar || By the karma of past actions, the robe of this physical body is obtained. By His Grace, the Gate of Liberation is found. hukamae karam kamaavanae paeiai kirath firaao || According to the Lord's Command, people perform their actions; they wander around, driven by the karma of their past actions. karam dhharathee sareer jug a(n)thar jo bovai so khaath || The body is the field of karma in this age; whatever you plant, you shall harvest. karamava(n)thee saalaahiaa naanak kar gur peer || Those blessed with the karma of good actions praise the Lord. O Nanak, they make the Guru their spiritual teacher. ras rasiaa hariaa sadhaa pakai karam dhhiaan || Watered with the Lord's Love, it remains forever green; through the karma of good deeds and meditation, it ripens.
Elsewhere, the Guru affirms that the judgment on man's actions determines the next birth or form for the individual's soul. The best action in the world is to meditate on 'The Name'. This alone can earn salvation or freedom from metempsychosis. The law of Karma is inexorable. Man's life is a series of actions. According to Sikhism, "Conduct is the paper, mind the inkpot; the good and the bad (virtue and vice) are both recorded thereon."
Man sows the wind and yet expects that no whirlwind will follow. Man's choice of action will determine his future and next life. However by repentance, prayer and love, man earns God's grace which neutralizes his previous Karma. There is no accounting of Karma, for one who surrenders himself to God. The true Sikh in a spirit of dedication and resignation invokes His grace and mercy, thereby inducing God to exercise his prerogative of admitting an erstwhile erring but now repentant soul, to His kingdom.