Gyles Randall Univ. of Minnesota 2007 NUE Workshop Monmouth, IL Optical Sensing to Determine N Needs of Rainfed Corn in the Northern CornBelt: The Future Gyles Randall Univ. of Minnesota 2007 NUE Workshop Monmouth, IL
Our Experience at Waseca Number of field studies where NDVI measurements were made on N rate studies for corn. Previous Crop Year Soybean Corn 2003-2006 7 5 2007 4
General Findings NUE: not consistently improved with split N Grain yield: preplant N generally > split N for both CC & C-Sb especially when split has a low rate of preplant N or SD N is applied after V8 NUE: not consistently improved with split N NDVI: For CC, V6-V12 distinguished among N rates w/V7-V11 best. For C-Sb, V7-V11 sometimes distinguished between 0-lb vs greater N rates. delta NDVI is small, does not distinguish between 30 & 150 lb N rates.
Support Data 2005, Cont. Corn, N rate = 160 lb/A Appl. Time Corn Preplant V10 Yield ANR - - - - lb N/A - - - - bu/A % 160 185 62 40 120 166 60 (NDVI at V8, V10, & V12 related to grain yield)
Support Data 2006, C-Sb, N rate = 90 lb/A Application Time Grain V2 V7 Yield - - - - - - - lb N/A - - - - - - - bu/A 90 -- 197 30 60 200 15 75 190 184
Support Data 2006, Cont. Corn Appl. Time Corn PP V8 Total Yield ANR - - - - lb N/A - - - - bu/A % 120 206 63 20 100 181 44 40 80 198 67 160 216 68 190 45
Soil Properties Soils frozen over winter Higher OM soils (>3%) Soils frozen over winter greater supply of mineralized N early in season In IA, MN, and WI, 70 to 80% of total N taken up by corn after soybean is from the soil.
Effect of Rainfall on Soil Moisture 2007, May-July rainfall = 9.9” or 2.8” below normal Depth July 16 Aug. 1 feet inches avail. water in 0-5’ profile 0-5 6.0 5.2 0-2 0.7 0.4 2-3 1.5 0.8 3-5 3.9 4.0 FMC = 11.05” available water in 0-5’
Factors Affecting Adoption of Optical Sensing for N Rate Guidance Little interest among dealers, farmers, and consultants fall and preplant application workload (post-herbicides, insecticides & fungicides) extra level of management risk cost (equipment, labor, time) absence of research documenting the rewards/returns
What is the Future? - Dismal - Futile - Jury is still out - Dismal - Futile Are there options to the approach we have been taking?
Research Opportunities Apply swine manure at a rate that meets the P requirement and then supplement w/N at V10+ based on simultaneous NDVI measurements and N-rich strips will NDVI differences be (1) predominantly related to N status (2) sufficiently robust to differentiate application rates will these “later” N applications be efficient acceptance is likely to be scale-dependent system needs extra management Higher altitude hyperspectral imaging