MENINGITIS Inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord May be bacterial or viral Symptoms – headache, fever, stiff neck In severe form, may lead to paralysis, coma and death Diagnosis – lumbar puncture If bacterial, treat with antibiotics
epilepsy Seizure disorder of the brain, characterized by recurring and excessive electrical discharge from neurons Cause – uncertain Grand mal seizure – severe, convulsive seizure Petit mal seizure – milder, seems to be staring or daydreaming
Alzheimer’s disease Progressive disease, begins with problems remembering Nerve endings in brain degenerate and block signals that pass between nerve cells Cause – unknown 1st stage (2-4 years) confusion, short-term memory loss, anxiety, poor judgment 2nd stage (2-10 years) increase memory loss, difficulty recognizing people, motor problems, logic problems, loss of social skills 3rd stage (1-3 years) inability to recognize oneself, weight loss, seizures, mood swings and aphasia
CVA (stroke) Interruption of blood and oxygen to brain Tissue death Third leading cause of death in U.S. Risk factors – smoking, hypertension, heart disease, family history Cause – 90% blood clots, 10% ruptured blood vessels in the brain Symptoms – hemiplegia, sudden severe headache, dizziness, loss of vision in one eye, aphasia, dysphasia, coma, possible death
Paralysis and hemiplegia Paralysis – loss of power of motion (movement) or sensation (feeling) Hemiplegia – paralysis on one side of the body What are quadriplegia and paraplegia? See figure 8-13 pg. 166