Mattress Sterilization Project Because every Child Deserves a Bed
Founder of The Wish Project Goods Bank Provide free home and baby goods to the poor through reuse 15,000 sq ft warehouse in Lowell, MA 30,000 people/year $1million in value of: Clothing Furniture Baby gear Bedding Appliances Electronics Dishes, towels, lamps Sheets and blankets
Our Problem Shortage of used mattresses to give to our local poor families. This is a national problem. For more information contact: the National Furniture Bank Association Facts are based on our involvement with this group over the past 5 yrs.
Many furniture banks pick up from homes. We DO NOT Low quality Very expensive ($100/hour) Dangerous for staff So where do we get 1,000 mattresses each year ?
Hotel Remodels Higher quality than home mattresses Large quantities at one time Full, Queen and King sized Colleges and Military Bases for Twin sized
Expensive Problem is Solution for Us 6.3 million hotel mattresses 4.2 million hotel rooms with 1.5 beds per room according to the American Hotel & Lodging Associations (AH&LA) 2 million dorm beds (military base beds?)
Obstacles to Reusing Mattresses? Perceived Vs. Real No legal issues Ethical imperative not to make lives worse for our clients Provide them in good condition
Perceived Problem: Bed bugs Are commonly found Many clients are coming to us because of infestations Bedbugs do not cause disease They are hard to kill compared to other pests Best treatment is heat
Real Problem: The poor have high rates of illness, asthma and allergies Dust mites cause allergic reactions Cockroaches get inside appliances and small crevices Lice are pervasive Mice, and spiders and other bugs cause disease directly or indirectly
Our Goal To set a new standard for mattress reuse by having *all donations go into the truck for heat sterilization - before coming into the warehouse Goal date? June 1, * With the exception of heat sensitive new items like diapers, formula, toothpaste etc.
Most of our clients are children Saige, Age 5, waiting for heart transplant
Thermal Vs. Chemical Remediation Heat is faster for large scale treatment: 2 tons of goods in 4 hours Heat is safer: No residual chemicals Effective: Heat kills all stages of bugs at once. Chemicals only kill adults, not eggs.
Kills bugs and their eggs
How hot? How long? 120 degrees F for 4 hours to kill the eggs
Our solution? The Mattress Sterilization Project Funded by the MA DEP to help reduce mattresses that go into landfills Design is by Lori Schmiege of Caritas Furniture Bank in VA We scaled up 24 truck version to a 45 trailer version
This is a new project. Please forgive our mockup drawings. Our truck is coming April 18!
First Challenge: How to get the donations into the truck?
Modified for use at the warehouse 45 Insulated Truck Connections for Trailer to Truck for Transport Building Wall
Flip-Down Lift out Shelving and Rolling Steel Carts
1.Purchased a 45 long x 10 by 8 Insulated Trailer for large scale heat treatment 2.Cut and installed 8 garage door in the side 3.Installed lift gates, side and rear
Heat In: Propane or Natural Gas 1 Million BTU heater
Heat Out: Vent In the Front of Truck Yes we want to reclaim this heat during the winter. That is a future goal. 45 foot long truck
Thermocouple Network for Monitoring Ensures Proper Heating throughout the entire load
Mobile to go to hotels or colleges We hire semi/tractor drivers to move it when needed (Easy: We have been doing this for many years with other trailers)
Volunteer Friendly Design for Zero Waste Days Left Side Right SideFront Back
Grant was for Mattresses but will reuse much more Appliances, lamps, bedding, furniture and more
Recycling: $9,000 cost for lot of 180 mattresses 360 pieces x $25/piece to recycle Dumpster: ~$5,000 Reuse: $600 in trucking fees Trucking is a tax write off 1 hotel = 180 mattresses 2 truckloads (90 mattress sets/truck) $300 x 2 trucks Helping hotels too, because disposal is expensive
Large Scale Sterilization: 4 hours 60 Full sized mattress sets or 28 Couches or 70 chairs in One Heat Cycle 2 Tons per cycle
Our Goal = Happy Clients and A Better Planet
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