Youth Arts Certificate Presentation: Child Protection 8th of December 2014 Olive Ring Child Protection Programme NYCI
Child Protection Programme NYCI Support Advocacy Garda Vetting Training
Designated Person Training Child Protection Awareness Programme Training Programmes Certificate Board of Management Websafety Training Designated Person Training Training for Trainers Child Protection Awareness Programme
Presentation Overview of Child Protection Responsibilities Safe Recruitment Practice Good Practice / Codes of Behaviour Scenario’s
Legislation and Guidelines Child Care Act 1991 Protection for Persons Reporting Child Abuse Act 1998 Education Welfare Act 2000 National Vetting Bureau Act 2012 – not yet commenced Withholding of Information 2012 Children First Bill 2014 – Pending
Legislation and Guidelines Children First National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2011 ‘Our Duty to Care’ – Department of Health and Children, 2002 Code of Good Practice – Child Protection for the Youth Work Sector
Definition of ‘child’ In Ireland the Child Care Act 1991 defines a child as: any person under the age of 18 years, excluding a person who is or who has been married.
Best Practice in Child Protection In our work with children/young people we should always be guided by the principle of paramountancy which requires that: the welfare of the child should be the paramount consideration (Children First; Principles for Best Practice in Child Protection; 1.9)
Organisational Responsibilities Child Safeguarding Statement/Policy Safe recruitment process Training Reporting procedure and appointment of Designated Liaison Person Procedures for dealing with allegations Code of Behaviour Anything else relevant to the organisation
Recruitment Pathway
Garda Vetting Those involved in ‘any work or activity which is carried out by a person , a necessary and regular part of which consists mainly of the person having access to, or contact with children in’ – Exempts persons who assist occasionally and on a voluntary basis in certain activities. Create offer a service to arts practitioners
Confidentiality Confidentiality is about managing sensitive information that arises in a trusting relationship and doing so in a manner that is respectful, professional and purposeful. Youth Work is based upon trusting relationships and it is not uncommon for members to want to share personal information with volunteers or employees. All information regarding concern or assessment of child abuse should be shared only on a ‘need to know’ basis.
Key elements of a code of behaviour Supervision/ratio’s Relationships and boundaries Language Behaviour Bullying
Key elements of a code of behaviour continued One to one/outreach/detached youth work Technology Images/photography Physical contact; Consideration for working with children with special needs or who are vulnerable
Guidelines around images Photographs and visual images are regarded as personal data under the Data protection Acts Must be obtained fairly, accurate, kept up to date and should be kept and used only for one or more specified lawful purposes Children’s and parents consent should be sought in relation to use of images
Reporting Procedures
Resources Children First, National Guidance 2011 Code of Good Practice Guidelines for the protection and welfare of children and young people in the arts sector Guidelines for taking and using images of children and young people in the arts sector Solo Practitioner code of practice for working with children and young people
Thank You Olive Ring National Child Protection Manager Child Protection Programme National Youth Council of Ireland 01 4255943 www.childprotection .ie