Cardiac Massage in Microgravity Thais Russomano* João de C. Castro** Simon Evetts*** Lisa Evetts*** John Ernsting*** *Microgravity Lab/PUCRS, Brazil **Fundação Ruben Berta, Brazil ***King’s College London, UK
Objectives To test the feasibility and practicability of performing CPR in microgravity single person no equipment Access the victim Open the airway Perform mouth-to-mouth ventilation Perform external cardiac massage (ECM)
ECM - New Technique The practitioner encircles the thorax of the victim with his legs in order to hold the patient close to him whilst compressing the patient’s chest between his hands and legs
Cardiac Massage in Space JSC/NASA - s 92 34279
Cardiac Massage in Space JSC/NASA - s 92 34275
Cardiac Massage Preliminary Study
Cardiac Massage during Parabolic Flight
Method 29th ESA Parabolic Flight Campaign 3 subjects CPR manikin - Resusci Anne, Laerdal, UK European Resuscitation Council External Cardiac Massage: Chest Compression = 40 - 50 mm Compression rate = 80 - 100 per min
Cardiac Massage during Parabolic Flight
Results Chest Compression Number of parabolas = 93 Number of chest compressions = 672 Chest Compression Mean +/- SE Depth 36.1 +/- 1 mm Rate 80.2 +/- 3.2 per min
Conclusion Chest compression rate and depth were close to those specified by the European Resuscitation Council The new single person technique of ECM can be performed efficiently in microgravity
Further Studies To determine Techniques to be used the maximum duration of ECM the feasibility of performing mouth-to-mouth ventilation minimum leg length required upper limb strength required Techniques to be used Body suspension studies Water immersion studies
Body suspension studies Further Studies Body suspension studies